JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati Nicke explained that the restriction on the purchase of fuel oil (BBM) for the type of Pertalite and Solar subsidies was only implemented after the government completed the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014.

Nicke said that currently the regulations governing the policy of limiting the purchase are still in the process of finalizing the revision of Presidential Regulation 191/2014 by the government.

According to Pertamina's roadmap, in July this is only the stage of vehicle registration through MyPertamina, not the restriction on the purchase of subsidized fuel.

"If the regulation has been stipulated, only the appropriate type of vehicle and has been registered can buy subsidized fuel," said Nicke in a statement to the media, Friday, July 8.

Karena itu, Nicke meminta masyarakat untuk mendaftarkan kendaraannya sebagai tahap awal untuk mendapatkan BBM Subsidi Solar atau Pertalite.

This step is to ensure that the subsidy fuel distributed by Pertamina is right on target.

"In implementing the restrictions later, for vehicles that have been registered and proven by the QR Code, they can buy Pertalite or Solar Subsidy. This QR Code is the basis. For this reason, Pertamina urges the public to immediately register their vehicles that are entitled to receive subsidized fuel," said Nicke.

He admitted that Pertamina had made it easier for the public to register.

First, through the Website subsite page right.mypertamina.id. Second, through the MyPertamina application, and the three people visited Pertamina outlets at gas stations.

These vehicles are registered to obtain a QR Code which will form the basis for gas station officers serving subsidized fuel sales. Because the subsidy is attached to the vehicle, this QR Code can be printed, embroidered and attached to the vehicle to facilitate transactions at gas stations. So you don't have to use a MyPertamina smartphone or application when buying subsidized fuel," concluded Nicke.

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