JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has set a 0 percent tariff for Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) for state auctions for the category of MSME products and also state confiscated objects.

Head of the Auction Policy Sub-directorate of the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance, Diki Zenal Abidin, said the policy was contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) number 95/PMK.06/2022.

"The imposition of the Bea Auction tariff of up to 0 percent is intended to provide an impetus for the development of the auction as an instrument for buying and selling, one part of the government's efforts to encourage economic growth, especially support for MSME business actors affected by the pandemic," he told reporters through a virtual channel, Friday, July 8.

According to Diki, this policy was also prepared to support the implementation of government activities related to investigation, investigation, or criminal prosecution.

"PNBP in the form of auction duties up to 0 percent applies to the auction carried out by Class I Auction Officials within the Directorate General of State Assets and Class II Auction Officials, which includes seller's auction duties and buyer's auction duties," he said.

Diki added that the imposition of the auction fee only applies to auctions for MSME products, special scheduled auctions, and auctions for the execution of confiscated objects in criminal acts whose cases have not yet obtained permanent legal force (inkracht).

Then, the auction fee for MSME product auction is 0 percent for buyer auction fees and 1 percent for seller auction fees.

The imposition of the tariff can be given on condition that the auction is carried out by Class I Auction Officer, the goods being auctioned are MSME products except for motorized vehicles, the seller is an MSME actor who is indicated by the existence of a Business Identification Number (NIB) and a business license (IUMK/SIUP/IUI).

As for the special scheduled auction conducted by Class I Auction Officers, the buyer's customs are 0 percent and the seller's auction fee is charged at 1 percent.

As for the special scheduled auction conducted by Class II Auction Officers, a 0 percent tariff is imposed on buyers' auction duties.

The auction fee for scheduled auctions specifically applies to the auction in the form of a bazaar or without the presence of participants through an e-market auction auction platform, and an auction object in the form of mobile goods except for motorized vehicles.

In the implementation of the auction of the execution of confiscated objects whose criminal cases are not yet inkracht, a tariff of 0 percent is charged for the auction fee of the seller. This tariff is given on condition that the object of the auction is in the form of confiscated objects that are quickly damaged, dangerous, or the cost of storage is too high and auctioned based on Article 45 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Article 94 of the Military Court Law, or Article 47A of the KPK Law," concluded Diki.

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