JAKARTA - In order to realize Indonesia's vision towards a Golden Indonesia 2045, the Indonesian Ministry of Finance collaborates with various parties in organizing a series of Road to Ministry of Finance (MOFEST) activities in 2022. Some time ago the city of Malang became the second host of the four cities that were chosen as the venue. holding Mofest 2022.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Heru Pambudi introduced the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI)/Indonesia Eximbank as a #SpecialMissionVehicle under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia which can help business actors to become exporters. In addition to training and mentoring programs, LPEI can also provide financing facilities to business actors to expand their business to the global market.

“Here is LPEI, an institution that has a mandate to encourage national exports through financing, guarantees, insurance and consulting services. For younger students who want to become export-oriented entrepreneurs, they can contact LPEI," said Heru Pambudi in his remarks, quoted on Tuesday, July 5.

Heru Pambudi added, today's young generation of Indonesia will be the young generation who are ready and capable of bringing Indonesia to the golden Indonesia 2045.

The Mofest 2022 activity with the theme "Master Your Future or Conquer Your Future" was enlivened by a Mofest talkshow that presented speakers from various professional and educational backgrounds, ranging from beautypreneurs, co-founders, LPDP awardees to Heads of the LPEI Department to share insights and experiences. inspirational to the Mofest participants.

LPEI participated as one of the speakers in the “Equipping The Next Youngpreneur” talk show session. The Head of the LPEI Consulting Services Department, Nilla Meiditha said that to support Indonesia Emas 2045, LPEI was ready to provide facilities for Indonesia's young generation who want to become export-oriented young entrepreneurs.

"If you are a student who wants to become an export business actor or maybe you already have a business but don't know how to export, you can contact LPEI to get assistance, training to business matching facilities and access to global marketplaces," explained Nilla Meiditha. .

In addition to the Talkshow, LPEI also participated in the Mofest Expo which was held simultaneously to provide information services regarding LPEI, products and Consulting Services activities for participants who attended the event.

This hybrid activity received great enthusiasm from the participants. Evidently, more than 400 participants took part in this event both physically and online.

On a separate occasion, LPEI's Managing Director for Institutional Relations, Chesna F. Anwar said that LPEI had implemented several strategies to help SME players to advance to class.

"We have a Coaching Program for New Exporters (CPNE) in the form of training and export assistance to prospective exporters and also assistance in the form of business matching through the Marketing Handholding program," said Chesna F. Anwar.

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