JAKARTA - The Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) is said to be one of the government agencies that contributed greatly to supporting the state budget in the first half of this year with a contribution of Rp. 1.4 trillion.

This was revealed in the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Implementation Report for the First Semester of 2022 which was submitted by the government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) to the DPR.

It was explained that the Ministry of Defense deposit is part of other Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) which goes directly to the state treasury.

"This income comes from health services at hospitals within the Ministry of Defense and the TNI, including income from BPJS Health at Advanced Health Facilities (FKTL) and health facility services," said the minutes of the Ministry of Finance as quoted by the editorial staff on Tuesday, July 5.

It was explained that the realization had reached 62.9 percent of the target of Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2022. In addition, there was a growth of 26.6 percent when compared to the realization in the first semester of 2021 with Rp1.1 trillion.

"This increase in BPJS revenue indicates an increase in non-COVID-19 patients who are starting to access health services at the Ministry of Defense and TNI hospitals," the government report said.

Not only from the aspect of health services, the coffers of the ministry led by Prabowo are also getting thicker thanks to professional services in the maritime sector.

"In addition, non-health services in the form of underwater mapping services have also increased," the report said.

In total, the value of other PNBP until June 2022 has reached IDR 85.1 trillion or 75.8 percent of the target in Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2022.

This realization shows a growth of 19.9 percent compared to the same period the previous year. This increase was mainly supported by soaring revenues from the natural resources sector in line with high mineral and coal commodity prices.

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