JAKARTA - The Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) held a National Working Meeting in Ancol, Jakarta, Friday, July 1. In the event, the Chairman of the HKTI Organizational Advisory Body (BPO), Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO) asked all administrators from the central and regional levels to seriously fight for the fate of farmers.

"On this occasion, I represent BPO asking for serious attention from all levels of the HKTI management in order to increase their role and performance in fighting for the lives of farmers," said Oso after the HKTI National Working Meeting in Jakarta, Friday, July 1.

The General Chairperson of the Hanura Party DPP, assessed that HKTI should increase its activities, including going directly to villages. "This includes going viral every story of a successful farmer to the media so that other farmers in Indonesia can imitate it," said Oso.

Second, Oso asked HKTI to concentrate on problems faced by farmers, such as land disputes. He emphasized that the problem of agrarian reform and the land mafia must be addressed immediately. "HKTI must take quick steps to establish cooperation with the Ministry of ATR/BPN. So that farmers can receive additional land and legal land certification," said the former chairman of the DPD RI.

OSO also highlighted the lack of promotion of HKTI to the public. According to him, until now many farmers do not know the name HKTI. He called it a homework for the current management.

"This HKTI is still not viral among farmers. This is important homework for the management to execute more work programs that can be directly benefited by farmers. Experimental land and gardens need to be developed in every province, if possible in every district/city," said Oso .

In addition, Oso reminded that the expert council, as a collection of agricultural academics and practitioners, needs to be given a bigger role and opportunity to conduct studies and find out-of-the-box solutions. So, he said, the presence of HKTI can be felt more beneficial for farmers and for the government.

"The DPP HKTI also needs to study and find solutions so that food imports can be reduced or stopped. This aims to protect the products produced by farmers without harming consumers," he concluded.

In the 2022 HKTI National Working Meeting, the General Chair of the HKTI DPP, Moeldoko also inaugurated three HKTI Regional Leadership Council (DPD) administrators. The three DPD HKTI are Southeast Sulawesi, Yogyakarta and Central Kalimantan.

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