JAKARTA – The government through the Ministry of Finance reported that the performance of the state budget in the first semester of 2022 managed to print a surplus of Rp. 73.6 trillion.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani explained that the nick was recorded from higher state revenues, which amounted to Rp1,317.2 trillion compared to the state expenditure sector which amounted to Rp1,243.6 trillion.

"The implementation of the 2022 APBN will be optimized to maintain the momentum of economic growth, maintain people's purchasing power, and the health of the APBN," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta while attending a meeting with the DPR Banggar, Friday, July 1.

According to VOI records, the APBN surplus has occurred since the beginning of this year with a surplus of Rp. 28.9 trillion in January, Rp. 19.7 trillion in February, and a surplus of Rp. 10.3 trillion in March. Then, April had a surplus of Rp. 103.1 trillion and May with a record surplus of Rp. 132.2 trillion.

"With this result, global economic risks that have an impact on the national economy will continue to be mitigated," he continued.

In detail, the Minister of Finance explained that the moncer results of the APBN in the first half of 2022 cannot be separated from the state revenue sector, all of which are on the green line. Such as the realization of tax revenues of Rp. 868.3 trillion, customs and excise of Rp. 167.6 trillion, and Non-Tax State Revenues (PNBP) of Rp. 281 trillion.

"This makes our projected deficit decrease from 4.85 percent in the 2022 State Budget Act, to 4.50 in the revised Presidential Decree 98/2022, and even to 3.9 percent in the latest outlook," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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