JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani explained that the tax revenue sector continued to show very positive performance this year. In his explanation, tax revenues are set at IDR 1,265 trillion in the 2022 State Budget Law.

This figure then underwent an upward revision in mid-May 2022 to Rp1,485 trillion as stated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 98 of 2022.

Recently, the government issued an outlook with a projected tax revenue of Rp1,608.1 trillion by the end of the year. This means that Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani has made two revisions to accommodate the posture of the 2022 State Budget which is believed to be stronger in terms of state revenues.

"In fact, the target of the Presidential Regulation has been revised higher, and this (outlook) is even higher," he said while attending a working meeting with the DPR Banggar at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Friday, July 1.

Meanwhile, the realization of tax revenues until the first half of 2022 is said to have reached Rp. 868.3 trillion.

Not only that, the Minister of Finance also made the same revision to customs and excise from Rp. 245 trillion in the APBN Law to Rp. 299 trillion in Presidential Decree 98, and to Rp. 316.8 trillion in the latest outlook.

Meanwhile, Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) was revised from Rp335.6 trillion in the APBN Law to Rp481.6 trillion in Presidential Decree 98, and to Rp510.9 trillion in the latest outlook.

“High tax revenues are evidence that economic activity is recovering. This is also shown from the increase in employee income tax receipts as well as the industrial sector (business world)," he said.

Broadly speaking, the realization of the APBN until the first semester of 2021 has a surplus of IDR 73.6 trillion. This value was recorded from a higher state income, which was Rp1,317.2 trillion compared to the state expenditure sector which amounted to Rp1,243.6 trillion.

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