Jakarta - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) continues to improve the provision of decent housing for the community through the flats (rusun) program.

In the 2021 fiscal year (FY), the Ministry of PUPR succeeded in completing 196 towers consisting of 7,075 units.

"This is clear evidence that the Government is present in providing decent housing. We hope to improve the quality of life of the beneficiaries by having a more decent, healthy and comfortable home," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement, Thursday, June 23.

Basuki said that the construction of the flats is not only for low-income people (MBR), students, Islamic boarding school students, but also for the TNI, Polri, and State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

It is hoped that the provision of decent housing in the form of flats can make a real contribution to the productivity of ASN at work.

In FY 2021, one of the flats that have been completed is the Tual City Government Flat, Maluku Province.

The flat construction consists of 1 tower with a height of 3 floors with a total of 44 units of type 36.

This flat, which is located in Fiditan Village, North Dullah Island District, can accommodate 176 people.

Each apartment unit is equipped with furniture in the form of a main bed, bunk beds, sofa, wardrobe, table and chairs.

This apartment was built on March 19, 2021 and completed on December 15, 2021, with a budget of Rp. 24.8 billion.

Head of BP2P Maluku, Yonnes Yubilia Biring, said the construction of this flat is aimed at meeting the needs of decent housing for ASN in the Tual City Government.

"We hope that by occupying a decent house, we can increase the productivity of ASN at work," he concluded.

In addition to the flats, the Ministry of PUPR through the Maluku Housing Provision Agency (BP2P) of the Directorate General of Housing also built special cash-intensive housing (rusus) and public utility facilities (PSU) in Tual City.

The construction of this flat is 25 units of type 28.

Construction began on September 2, 2021 and was completed on December 31, 2021 with a budget of IDR 4.2 billion.

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