JAKARTA - PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) or BSD, a member of the Sinar Mas Land property group belonging to conglomerate Eka Tjipta Widjaja, has received sustenance from its subsidiary, PT Duta Pertiwi Tbk (DUTI). The company will receive a large dividend for the ownership of 88.56 percent of the shares.

Through the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders which will take place on Tuesday 14 June, Duta Pertiwi will distribute cash dividends of Rp703 billion or Rp380 per share. Referring to the dividend value and the number of its shareholdings in Duta Pertiwi, BSD is entitled to a share of IDR 622.57 billion.

This dividend will be distributed on June 30, 2022 to shareholders whose names are registered on June 24, 2022.

Director of Duta Pertiwi Handoko Wibowo said the dividend distribution decision was an appreciation to the shareholders for their support so far. "This amount has taken into account the development plan and the company's cash flow. Thus, the development plan and completion of projects can run well as planned so that the 2022 performance target can be achieved," said Handoko in his statement, Thursday, June 16.

The decision to distribute dividends cannot be separated from the company's solid performance throughout 2021. The pioneer in the strata-title integrated trading area managed to record a profit for the year Attributable to Owners of the Parent Entity of Rp659.89 billion. This figure grew by 23.64 percent from the previous year's achievement of Rp533.73 billion.

Handoko explained that this achievement was supported by the performance of operating income which grew 26.26 percent. "The solid sales performance stems from the high demand for the property units we market. We are optimistic that DUTI's positive performance can continue in 2022. Government support in providing incentives and improving economic conditions after the pandemic are positive factors," Handoko added.

Currently, the company has real estate inventory worth Rp3.75 trillion. Through sustainable value creation, it will support the Company's performance in the future.

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