JAKARTA - The manager of Alfamart belonging to conglomerate Djoko Susanto, PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT) has purchased shares of PT Bank Aladin Syariah Tbk (BANK) with a total value of Rp500 billion. Purchases are made for investment purposes.

In an information disclosure on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website, quoted on Friday, June 10, AMRT's management stated that the purchase transaction was carried out on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. The number of shares bought up by AMRT reached 294,118,000 shares with a price per share of Rp1. 700 or a total of Rp500 billion.

"The purpose of the investment is to obtain investment opportunities in addition to business synergies," said Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Corporate Secretary Tomin Widian.

Tomin said that this transaction had no effect on AMRT's operational, legal, financial conditions or business continuity. In addition, this transaction is not included in material transactions and changes in business activities, and does not include affiliate transactions.

Along with this transaction, AMRT and BANK have signaled a strong cooperation. Previously, Bank Aladin Syariah planned to offer credit to Alfamart MSME employees and vendors.

Director of Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Peter Suryadi once said that his party had not been able to convey the development of the company's cooperation with Aladin.

"Regarding Aladin, there is no significant thing that can be explained, the cooperation carried out by the company with Aladin at this time, is the same as the cooperation carried out by the company with other parties such as fintech, banking, insurance and others," said Peter some time ago. then.

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