JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to expand the area of land for sorghum plantations in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province to reduce dependence on imports of wheat and corn as food sources.

This was conveyed by President Jokowi after planting seeds and harvesting sorghum in East Sumba Regency, NTT, Thursday, June 2.

"I have ordered the governors and regents to thoroughly determine how much land can be used to plant sorghum so that we do not depend on wheat, nor depend on imported corn," said President Jokowi as quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 2.

The President explained that land in Sumba Regency had been planted with corn, but it was less productive. Therefore the land was diverted to sorghum grain crops.

Currently, the area of sorghum in East Sumba Regency is 60 hectares with a productivity of 5 tons per hectare.

Although still classified as a pilot project, farmers can generate income of around IDR 50 million per hectare in one year or IDR 4 million more per month.

President Jokowi has also ordered the Governor of NTT Viktor Laiskodat and the Regent of East Sumba Khristofel Praing to expand the land that can be planted with sorghum.

"We will enlarge this sorghum plant in NTT Province in the hope that we will have alternative food in order to (overcome) the world food crisis. If we have excess, there is stock, this is precisely what we will export," said the Head of State.

Meanwhile, sorghum is considered to be an alternative source of food other than rice and corn, in order to face the food crisis.

Previously, since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, the World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) had warned that every country has a plan to maintain a smooth food supply chain in order to anticipate potential food crises.

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