JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) specifically asked his staff to carry out state spending by prioritizing national products. According to the President, this step is very important to build national economic resilience and accelerate the election process which is currently being pursued by the government.

"This is also good for maintaining national economic growth," he said when speaking at a forum titled Proud Movement Program Made in Indonesia (BBI) quoted Wednesday, May 25.

The President added that all government agencies, both at the center and in the regions, need to focus on APBN and APBD spending on local products.

"APBN and APBD are people's money, we shouldn't buy imported goods. It would be a big mistake if we did that," he said.

The President also reminded his ministers not to mess with his directives, because he will always attend the BBI Affirmation Action meeting, which is held every two months. The President will always ask for an evaluation of the progress of the program.

Furthermore, the Head of State also highlighted the role of work unit leaders, especially echelon one and two officials who are the main determinants of policy in spending on goods or services for domestic products.

"Once again, the state budget should not buy imported goods. And those present here, especially echelon one, echelon two, the Regional Secretary (regional secretary) are the policy makers. The decision makers, the implementers of the big policies are the Minister and the Mayor. But the implementation is in all of the ladies and gentlemen, so we invite them so that we have the same thoughts," said the President.

Therefore, it is necessary to have support from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) to other business associations to support and encourage local MSME actors to be more creative and innovative. Thus, the products offered have a unique design, and have good product quality.

“Local goods must be included in the local e-catalog. Everything should be possible. Everything will spin. If there is a lot of demand, it will add jobs, and eventually create jobs. This is our goal," he continued.

The President emphasized that locally produced products would attract more consumers, especially Ministries/Agencies and Regional Governments, and be able to compete with similar imported products. The big goal is to be able to trigger regional and national economic growth.

"So that later more and more local products, all regional superior products will enter the e-catalog and it will trigger the regional economy and I make sure that it will open up job opportunities in the region without us realizing it," concluded President Jokowi.

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