JAKARTA - Commission B of the DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) together with PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya harvested rice in the rice fields of Kutajaya Village, Kutaluya District, Karawang Regency, West Java, on Thursday 12 May.

President Director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, Pamrihadi Wiraryo in a written statement received by VOI, Friday 13 May said, to meet food needs in Jakarta, his party continues to collaborate upstream, including in Karawang. Hurip Tani Mandiri Producer Cooperative with an area of 500 hectares of rice fields," he said at the event location.

Pamrihadi explained, going forward, the DKI Provincial Government through PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya will continue to help farmers more. Including, introducing agricultural cultivation technology without using chemical fertilizers.

"We will optimize the use of extragenous and compostable fertilizers. I hope from using this fertilizer agricultural productivity will increase from five tons per hectare to seven to eight tons per hectare," he explained.

According to him, through the use of organic fertilizers, it is hoped that soil fertility will be maintained and crop yields can increase.

"Currently, farmers here are still using chemical fertilizers, so we can see that the soil has dried up a lot," he said.

He added that through cooperation with PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, farmer groups (poktan) will get certainty about the marketing of their harvests.

"Poktan can provide guarantees to farmers that there must be someone who buys the harvest, there are off takers. They can also avoid middlemen who rely on the bonded bond system so that farmers are not prosperous," he explained.

The chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ismail said that the collaboration between PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya and farmers in producing areas, either through farmer groups (poktan) or cooperatives, was very good.

"Today, we from Commission B of the DPRD saw firsthand the long process of efforts to maintain food security in Jakarta. I think that the efforts made by Food Station are very appropriate by strengthening cooperation upstream, directly to farmers in producing areas," he said.


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Ismail assessed that there were three main points that became the focus of attention. First, is preparation before planting. Second, the planting process to produce the best. Then, postharvest.

"These three things have been practiced so that the Food Station is able to maintain food security in DKI," he explained.

One of the problems for farmers, he continued, is during post-harvest where the selling price is very low or being manipulated. So, they are forced to sell at what it is.

"Through cooperation with the Food Station, we can overcome this problem because there is a guarantee of purchasing at the right price, not harming the farmers. Thus, they can be more prosperous," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Hurip Tani Mandiri Producer Cooperative, Lutfi Lukmana, said he was very happy with the collaboration with PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya.

"We feel calmer and can enjoy the results of farming better. We hope that in the future Food Station can help to apply modern technology in agriculture. We are ready to apply it," he said.

To note, participating in this harvest were the President Commissioner of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, Major General TNI (Ret.) Abdul Rahman Kadir; Member Commissioner, Nurfitria Farhana, and member Commissioner, Ahmad Ridwan Dalimunte. Then, Director of Operations and Business, Andre Maulana, and Director of Finance, Budi Santoso.

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