JAKARTA - The National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) launched the Cinta Zakat application, as an effort to make it easier for the community to spread goodness through zakat, infaq, and distributed alms.

Through the Cinta Zakat application, BAZNAS will intensify fundraising campaigns to help people in need in various remote areas. This breakthrough will be very effective and target many groups because BAZNAS has networks in various provinces, districts, and cities. In addition, the Cinta Zakat application also complements various innovations and breakthroughs that have been previously owned by BAZNAS.

"In order to support and optimize the performance of ZIS-DSKL collection, BAZNAS launched the Cinta Zakat crowdfunding application. This innovation is expected to encourage an increase in ZIS collection, so that the number of beneficiaries will increase," said Director of Strengthening National Zakat Collection at BAZNAS RI, Fitriansyah Agus Setiawan, in Jakarta Last Saturday, April 23.

Fitriansyah said the campaign in the Cinta Zakat application would be optimized and managed by BAZNAS RI, provinces, districts and cities. Likewise with the distribution, so that the funds collected will be safe and immediately received to those who are entitled. BAZNAS also ensures that the distribution is carried out on target, falling in the hands of the right people.

"BAZNAS always applies the 3 Safe principles, namely Syar'i Safe, Regulatory Safe, and Homeland Safe. So God willing, the distribution will be right on target, as BAZNAS has done so far," he said.

Through the Cinta Zakat application, it is also hoped that it can encourage the achievement of BAZNAS's target in terms of digital collection, as much as Rp. 175 billion for 2022. Positive achievements continue to be achieved by BAZNAS digital fundraising which continues to increase every year. It was recorded that since 2020, BAZNAS's collection of zakat, infaq, and alms from the digital sector has continued to increase and exceed the target set.

Even in 2021, BAZNAS RI's digital fundraising reached Rp137 billion, up from the initial target of Rp120 billion.

"Alhamdulillah, this is a positive impact of the innovations and breakthroughs made by BAZNAS in order to make it easier to pay zakat. If in the last few years we continue to achieve our targets, of course we must not be complacent, BAZNAS strives to continue to boost collections from various sectors. All these efforts are in order to optimize various programs humanity raised by BAZNAS for the welfare of the people," said Fitriansyah.

"It must be admitted that the ease of digital transactions triggers an increase in zakat from the public and the trend will continue to increase from time to time. For this reason, the CintaZakat application, as one of BAZNAS' digital channels, is expected to make it easier for muzakki to distribute Zakat, Infaq, and Alms (ZIS)," he concluded.

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