JAKARTA - The rain handler's action at the Mandalika MotoGP event went viral last weekend. It is suspected that the organizing committee is trying their best to make this grand event a success, including weather modification efforts through the help of 'smart people'.

From information compiled by the editors, it is known that the handler gets paid up to three digits (hundreds of millions) in his work for three weeks in the circuit arena.

Investigate a calibaration, this news also reached the ears of the management of state money, aka the Ministry of Finance. Special Staff to the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communications Yustinus Prastowo then 'poke' the handler to fulfill his obligation to pay taxes.

“The rain handler service is tax payable? It's clear," he said via his personal Twitter page @prastow on Tuesday, March 22.

Yustinus even gave guidance to the organizing committee of the Mandalika MotoGP and Rara Istiati Wulandari, the name of the rain handler, to immediately deposit some of the income received to the state.

“The employer is required to withhold Article 21 income tax and the handler reports the income calculation in the annual tax return. Complete contact info @DitjenPajakRI. Don't forget the deadline for submitting the SPT is March 31, 2022," he said.

This information was conveyed by Yustinus as a form of citizen participation in development and upholding the principle of justice in taxes.

"Earlier, more comfortable!" said Sri Mulyani's subordinate.

To note, the form of levy imposed by Rara is Income Tax or PPh. In the new regulation contained in the Tax Harmonization Law (HPP) it is stated that the tax rate is 5 percent for income up to 60 million a year.

Then, 15 percent for income of Rp. 60 million - Rp. 250 million, 25 percent for income of Rp. 250 million - Rp. 500 million, 30 percent for income of Rp. 500 million - Rp. 5 billion, and 35 percent for income of more than Rp. 5 billion.

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