JAKARTA - PT Timah Tbk is targeting the sinking of 1,920 artificial reef units in the sea in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. To achieve the target which will take place throughout this year, the company also involves traditional fishing groups.

"The goal is to increase fish populations and fish catches of fishermen in 11 water points," said Timah Corporate Secretary Abdullah Umar Baswedan, quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 13.

He said the sinking of 1,920 artificial coral units involving groups of traditional fishermen would be carried out in the waters of Pulau Panjang, Karang Rulak, Rambak, Tuing Waters, Pulau Putri, Tanjung Melala, Malang Gantang, Tanjung Ular, Karang Aji, Pulau Pelepas and Tanjung Kubu.

"For this sea reclamation, we involve groups of local fishermen to make artificial corals to sinking and maintenance, so that these artificial reefs can become a place for fish to breed," he said.

According to him, Timah implements a sustainable mining process, environmental aspects and management of ex-mining land are one of the company's priorities.

"This reclamation is a regulatory mandate and Timah carries out environmental management responsibilities by structuring ex-mining land on land and sea by involving and empowering the community," he said.

He stated that the community empowerment program was carried out in several schemes, such as in Belitung the company cooperated with BUMDes to carry out the reclamation of former mines.

Then with the community, for example, the community provides plant seeds, the company cooperates with Gapoktan, so that this reclamation also has an economic impact on the community.

"As a mining company, we are aware of changes in the landscape, for that the company is consistent in reclamation and maintaining biodiversity. In the production process the company always prioritizes the precautionary principle to minimize operational impacts," he said.

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