JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Lubricants (PTPL) and PT PLN (Persero) signed a Cooperation Contract for the Procurement of Pertamina Lubricants. PT.

"PTPL is committed to providing lubricant products with world standard quality, long-term volume securities, competitive prices and complete after-sales service," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, March 9.

The signing was carried out by PTPL President Director, Werry Prayogi with PT PLN (Persero) Mega Project & EBT Director Wiluyo Kusdwiharto and witnessed directly by PTPL Sales & Marketing Director Sari Rachmi with PT PLN (Persero) Executive Vice President Supply Chain Management Najahul Imtihan.

Meanwhile, PLN will use a series of Pertamina lubricant variants for various engine uses, including Turbolube XT Series for turbine engines, Turalik XT Series for hydraulic engines, NG Lube Series for gas engines, Meditran Series and Salyx Series for diesel engines, Trafolube for transformer engines. /transformer and Masri FLG Series for Gearbox Mill.

"The synergy between PTPL and PLN has been established since 2011 and we hope that this good cooperation will continue, with the aim of jointly contributing to the progress of the strategic sector in Indonesia," added Werry.

PTPL as the market leader for the national industrial lubricants producer has factory facilities and modern technology laboratories, a portfolio of high quality and complete industrial lubricant products as well as excellent after sales service and technical support, starting from initial filling assistance services, oil condition monitoring at the Oil Clinic, field engineers. reliable, and in-house training through ILMA (Integrated Lubrication Management Academy).

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