JAKARTA - Erick Thohir does not need to wait for time to rest after being exposed to COVID-19 a few days ago. In fact, he revealed that he immediately worked as usual in carrying out his duties as Minister of BUMN.

"Assalammuallaikum, Alhamdulillah. Thank you for the prayers, I'm back in good health and back to work," Erick said through his Instagram account @erickthohir quoted on Sunday, March 6.

Erick also added that he could be active again as a form of responsibility to the community and the transformation of SOEs.

In fact, in his upload, Erick plans to attend a press conference for the Preparation of the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia (MotoGP).

"I can return to activities as usual. It didn't take long this afternoon I went straight to the Ministry of SOEs to hold a Press Conference Update on the Preparation of the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia (MotoGP)," Erick wrote.

Not to forget, Erick also prayed for the community to stay healthy and maintain health protocols.

"Hopefully my friends are always healthy and still obey the health protocols!" said Erick added.

As is known, Erick was known to have been exposed to COVID-19 at the end of last February. Erick's condition was also conveyed by the staff of the SOE Minister, Arya Sinulingga.

Arya said that Erick's condition was good and there were no dangerous symptoms.

"So it's true that Pak Erick is positive (COVID-19). Until today, he is in good and steady condition, there are no problems," he told reporters, Tuesday, March 1.

Even though he was exposed to COVID-19, Arya explained that Erick could still carry out his duties as a minister by carrying out various virtual activities.

"To this day he continues to work. Several meetings are held vicon (video conference) both within the ministry's internal, and also had vicon meetings with plenary meetings with the President," he said.

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