JAKARTA - Entrepreneurs believe that the permitting of the 2022 Eid homecoming will be able to have a major economic impact because Ramadan and Eid are the biggest money circulation momentum in Indonesia.

"If the government allows going home this year, it will really be able to stimulate the regional economy which has an impact on the national level," said Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Regional Autonomy Development Sarman Simanjorang, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 12.

Sarman said that the government's opening of homecoming opportunities on the condition that the COVID-19 case is under control indicates that the government is not rigid in implementing policies.

On the other hand, the signal directly gives a signal to the entire community to jointly implement strict discipline in implementing health protocols so that COVID-19 control can be achieved again.

Thus, the government can evaluate and reduce the level of PPKM which allows people to return to their respective regions.

"This homecoming opportunity certainly has a very large economic impact in stimulating the regional economy, because a very large amount of money will flow from cities to regions brought by the travelers. Of course it will be able to move the regional economy and will have an impact on national economic growth, " he said.

Sarman also hopes that the current PPKM level 3 application will not last long.

"Maximum mid-March can be lowered. If (could), early March would be better so that the momentum of the month of Ramadan and Eid can be used by business actors to achieve turnover and profit to strengthen cash flow," he said.

The momentum of Ramadan and Eid is expected to be utilized so that it can contribute to national economic growth in the first quarter of 2022.

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