JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero)'s Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk supplies natural gas to PT Garam (Persero), which is located in the Segoromadu-Gresik Salt Industrial Estate, East Java, starting in early February 2022.

The utilization of PGN's natural gas is able to increase the efficiency of PT Garam's fuel use in producing salt by up to 30 percent.

"We are very happy, one of the salt producing industries in East Java has decided to use PGN natural gas. From this natural gas use, PT Garam will get fuel cost efficiency of around 30 percent. In the future, we are committed to maintaining service reliability and hope for more value. This natural gas is able to provide real benefits for PT Garam's productivity," said GM PGN Sales Operation Region (SOR) 3 East Java-Central Java Iwan Yuli Widyastanto in a statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

The supply to PT Garam adds to PGN's customers in the industrial sector as well as the success of the BUMN synergy program.

PGN SOR 3 carries out gas in or initial distribution of natural gas to PT Garam in the first week of February 2022 with natural gas needs between 350-1,750 MMBTU. The gas will be used to produce salt.

In the industrial sector in East Java, Iwan added that PGN has served more than 500 industries from various sectors such as food, chemical, metal, and wood. Through the use of natural gas, industrial customers in East Java can improve efficiency, thereby increasing competitiveness. In addition, it also serves 300 retail or commercial.

"Infrastructure development, availability of gas supply, and other natural gas services, we hope to support the East Java region in increasing economic growth and industrial competitiveness," said Iwan. to expand the natural gas network to various regions.

In the future, PGN will develop infrastructure beyond the pipeline in order to serve natural gas needs in locations far from the natural gas pipeline network.

"The use of natural gas in the industrial and commercial sectors can be cleaner and more efficient, so it is hoped that it can truly become a catalyst for industrial development and grow the economy of the surrounding community," explained Iwan.

Gas subholding PT Pertamina, PT PGN Tbk supplies natural gas to PT Garam in the Segoromadu-Gresik Salt Industrial Estate, East Java, starting in early February 2022. ANTARA/HO-PT PGN Tbk

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