JAKARTA - PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk or Mitratel in collaboration with the Presidential Military Secretariat (Setmilpres), Hayuning Jagad Studio and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah held a Shadow Puppet Culture Performance with the play: Building the Sapta Arga Temple on January 28, 2022.

The event, which was held at the Indonesian Museum TMII Roundabout, was a part of Mitratel's contribution in maintaining the preservation of the nation's culture. This event was broadcast live online via Mitratel's Youtube channel.

"Wayang kulit culture has strategic importance and significance in an effort to maintain, preserve and at the same time pass on the nation's culture to future generations," said Pratignyo Arif Budiman, Director of Operations and Development for Mitratel, in a written statement, Wednesday, February 2.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Hayuning Jagad Studio, Brigadier General Ludi Prastyono, thanked Mitratel for their cooperation in organizing the shadow puppet show.

"Thank you to our partners from Mitratel who care about preserving the nation's culture, especially the organization of the Wayang Kulit Cultural Show. I hope this event can remind us of our heritage which has begun to be eroded by the times," said Brigadier General Ludi.

This Wayang Kulit Cultural Performance presented Dalang Ki Sigid Ariyanto and was witnessed by a limited number of invitees. Also present to witness the performance of the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Yudo Margono.

"Thank you for the collaboration of all parties for holding this event. It is hoped that this activity will be a moment to increase solidity and strengthen our commitment in maintaining and preserving the nation's culture, especially shadow puppets," concluded Pratignyo Arif Budiman.

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