JAKARTA - The price of bulk and packaged cooking oil at traditional markets in Medan City began to fall earlier this week, although it was not yet Rp. 14,000 per liter as instructed by the government.

"Based on the monitoring of the North Sumatra Department of Industry and Trade Market Monitoring Team, the price of cooking oil in Medan's traditional markets has decreased," said Head of Domestic Trade at the North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Disperindag, Barita Sihite in Medan, quoted from Antara, Thursday. January 27.

If on January 25, the price of yellow bulk cooking oil was still an average of Rp. 18,545 per liter, then on January 26, it was only Rp. 18,503 liter. Meanwhile, the price of Bimoli brand bottled oil fell to an average of Rp. 19,797 from the previous Rp. 20,140 per liter.

"Alhamdulillah, there has been a decline in the price of cooking oil in Medan, although it has not yet reached Rp. 14,000 per liter as requested by the government," he said.

Bimoli is a cooking oil produced by a company owned by conglomerate Anthony Salim, PT Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk.

Barita admits that the central government does give time slack for traditional traders to follow the selling price set by the government at Rp. 14,000 per liter.

The hope is that traders can immediately adjust the price of cooking oil as determined by the government.

Moreover, the government has implemented a policy of restricting exports of crude palm oil (CPO), which is the raw material for cooking oil.

By focusing more on domestic sales, the price of CPO can be adjusted so that it can control the price of cooking oil, which is still expensive.

"The North Sumatra Ministry of Industry and Trade continues to monitor the price of cooking oil in the market," he said.

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