JAKARTA - The suspension of Garuda Indonesia's Debt Payment Obligation (PKPU) has been officially extended for 60 days and ends on March 21. This extension is carried out by acclamation at the request of the debtor and the majority of creditors.

In response to this, Garuda Indonesia President Director, Irfan Setiaputra said this additional time provided an opportunity for all stakeholders involved to complete verification and ensure the PKPU process was carried out in accordance with the precautionary principle.

"This extension also gives us time to prepare a more mature peace plan through more intense and constructive negotiations," Irfan said in a written statement, Friday, January 21.

Irfan continued, for the next 60 days, all stakeholders will coordinate with the Management Team to complete various administrative aspects in this PKPU stage, including completing verification documents and finalizing accounts payable calculations so that the Management Team can issue a Fixed Receivables List (DPT) as the basis for collection. voice.

In parallel, Garuda is also preparing a peace plan and continuing negotiations with creditors that have been ongoing and trying to finalize the proposed peace plan, within a commercial framework that is in line with the interests of all parties.

During the PKPU process, Garuda ensures that all flight services including passenger, cargo and aircraft maintenance services continue to operate normally.

"Garuda is also committed to continuing to accelerate and support the national economic recovery through various service optimization steps that continue to be carried out amid the PKPU process which is currently still ongoing," concluded Irfan.

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