JAKARTA - In order to accelerate growth and improve the economy of the SPKLU provision business, the government has set a Bulk Tariff Incentive to Business Entities of Rp714/kWh for SPKLU Business Entities to be resold at a Special Service Rate of Rp2,475/kWh.

The Directorate General of Electricity, Ida Nuryatin Finahari, explained that the government provides several incentives in the form of Reduction in Connection Fees or Subscription Guarantees and Minimum Account Liberation for the first two years for SPKLU Business Entities and owners of Private Electrical Installations used for filling public transportation.

"Regarding KBLBB, it is estimated that 80 percent of KBLBB users will charge more at home (Private Electricity Installation) which requires a large enough power supply at home," said Ida when inaugurating the SPKLU, the result of the collaboration between MEMR and PLN in Jakarta, January 4.

In this case, continued Ida, the government through PT PLN (Persero) has also provided incentives for connection fees of Rp150,000 for additional power of up to 11,000 VA (1 Phase) and Rp450,000 for additional power of up to 16,000 VA (3 Phase).

"In addition, there is a Home Charging Tariff Incentive in the form of a tariff reduction of 30 percent outside of Peak Load Time, which is 22.00 - 05.00, when the majority of KBLBB owners charge at home," he explained.

In 2022, the government is targeting a cumulative number of SPKLU/EV Charging Stations of 695 units to ensure the availability of SPKLU for KBLBB R4 in the future.

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