JAKARTA - Head of the Ministry of Finance's Policy Agency (BKF) Febrio Kacaribu confirmed that the government will continue the Pre-Employment Card Program for the next 2022 period. This commitment is evidenced by the allocation of funds that have been included in the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"The pre-employment card budget for next year is IDR 11 trillion," he said in a webinar on Wednesday, December 1.

According to Febrio, the funds are included in the National Economic Recovery (PEN) scheme for the social protection cluster (perlinsos) amounting to Rp252.3 trillion. This means that the Pre-Employment Card Program has a share of 4.3 percent of social welfare.

“The Pre-Employment Card Program is still being implemented. The implementation scheme is semi-social assistance, but it will still be carried out regularly and will start by considering the increasingly conducive situation," he said.

Meanwhile, the realization of the Pre-Employment Card as of October 31, 2021 was recorded at Rp9.42 trillion for 2.7 million participants from a budget allocation of Rp21.2 trillion.

Meanwhile, for 2020, it is known that the ceiling that has been prepared is Rp. 10 trillion with a realization of Rp. 13.4 trillion for 5.9 million recipients.

"Accumulatively, the number of recipients of the Pre-Employment Card Program set from the beginning (2020) to September 30 has reached 12 million people and this has spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia and in 514 districts and cities," Sri Mulyani's subordinate continued.

Face-to-face meeting

Separately, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto informed some time ago that the government had designed the implementation of offline or face-to-face Pre-Employment Card training.

The reason is, so far the entire program has been carried out online taking into account the COVID-19 factor. It is planned that the classroom learning scheme will be implemented starting in the second semester of 2022.

"In the next six months (from July to December 2022) it is hoped that we will be able to make programs that are offline and not just online," said Airlangga, Monday, November 22.

Meanwhile, for the first half of next year, the government will still run the same scheme as it is now, namely online.

"In the next six months (January to June 2022) the program is still the same," he said.

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