JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir denies using state facilities for the 2024 presidential candidate campaign. According to him, the appearance of his face on the ATM machine screen of the State-Owned Association (Himbara) was to socialize the BUMN program, namely AKHLAK.

AKHLAK stands for Amanah, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative. Erick said that the use of BUMN assets was carried out as a step to introduce the value of AKHLAK owned by BUMN to the public.

Furthermore, Erick admitted that he was surprised how the effort to socialize AKHLAK on ATM machine screens was actually interpreted as a covert campaign for the 2024 presidential candidate.

For your information, Erick's photo that appeared on the Himbara ATM machine screen captured the public's attention. This is said to be a covert campaign for Erick who will take part in the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"The context is in BUMN assets, we talk about the AKHLAK campaign, not choosing Erick Thohir. For example, I propagate my success, no. That's AKHLAK. That's the context," he said at the Kick Andy Show, quoted Tuesday, November 16.

According to Erick, there is nothing wrong when he uses BUMN assets to introduce the basis of the ministry he leads. This is because, previously, BUMN assets have also been used to campaign for the health protocol, namely 3M, to the COVID-19 vaccination appeal.

Can you imagine? we'll see when COVID is March, and July, I also use BUMN facilities to promote health protocols," he said.

Erick then made an analogy, many ministers also use the facilities of the agency they lead to promote something that is considered good.

"Many ministries put up billboards in front of their offices, does that mean they use public facilities to promote themselves? For something? No, it's in front of their ministries," he said.

For your information, Erick Thohir's name - although not in the top five - has begun to be included in the stock exchange for the 2024 presidential election. The name of the Minister of SOEs is said to be preparing to be scrutinized by political parties as an alternative candidate for the upcoming presidential election.

The movement of the former Head of the National Campaign Winning Team (TKN), Jokowi-Ma'ruf in the last few months, is indeed interesting to monitor. Erick looks more active on social media, from performance to life interactions.

Some time ago, this man who was born in Lampung, May 30, 1970, went to the community by checking the stock of medicines at Kimia Farma pharmacy in Depok area. Erick also once gave the official Inter Milan jersey to a farmer. Erick Thohir was the owner of Inter Milan in mid 2013-2019, acquiring a 70 percent stake owned by Massimo Moratti.

Most recently, Erick Thohir "released" his position as Minister of SOEs for a day, Thursday 30 September. The figure who replaced her was Sharon Florencia, a woman who was selected in the Ministry of SOE's gender equality campaign program, titled #GirlsTakeover.

Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga with a diplomatic answer said that his boss was still busy at work. Moreover, the 2024 presidential election is still long.

"Whether there is an opportunity, the name goes up or whatever, just let the public judge," said Arya, Tuesday, October 5.

"Now it's only 2021, it's still a long time. Yes, I haven't thought that far, if I do," he continued.

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