JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, KH Said Aqil Sirodj, said that the water that humans drink has a very important role in life and is non-negotiable. Without healthy water, it is impossible for humans to carry out all activities.

"Without water, it is impossible for us to live. The issue of water is very thick in the worship of Muslims," said Said Aqil in his written statement.

Kyai Said's statement was made when attending the inaugural launch of SHOFA bottled water products, at the Luhur Al-Tsaqafah Islamic Boarding School, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta today, Monday 15 November.

Furthermore, Said Aqil appreciated SHOFA as a bottled water product that carries the Islamic concept and moves to advance the sharia economy in Indonesia so that it is beneficial for the people.

"Hopefully progress and smooth," he added.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for SHOFA, Agoeng Pramoda explained, SHOFA is packaged with a modern, Islamic concept so that it is beneficial for the people. This water has obtained a permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) as well as a 'Halal' certificate from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Agoeng is sure that SHOFA will be able to enliven and advance the domestic sharia economy, whose goal is none other than to benefit many people.

"We don't just focus on business capital, but a sharia economic movement whose purpose is to benefit the people. Our focus will be on various things that are Islamic in nature, so in the future there will be many social activities, especially in Islamic boarding schools," said Agoeng.

According to Agoeng, in the future SHOFA will campaign more for healthy drinking water through various digital platforms. In fact, this product has YouTube channels to official Instagram, Twitter, Meta and TikTok accounts because ordering water uses the links available on each of these social media accounts.

Evidently, on the same day as the inaugural launch, November 15, 2021, the hashtags #ShofaWater and #ShofaBerhasilForUmat were trending on Twitter with so many tweets, the number even reached thousands.

SHOFA is the first bottled drinking water that is only marketed through various social media and major e-commerce applications in the country, such as Shopee, Tokopedia and others, so that it is easily accessible to the public.

By utilizing these digital platforms, SHOFA wants to target the Millennials and Gen Z generations who now dominate in Indonesia. Evidently, one of SHOFA's efforts to achieve this target is to make Rafa Nisaa Azhari a SHOFA Brand Ambassador.

Rafa Nisaa Azhari was chosen to be the Brand Ambassador of SHOFA because it is believed to be an example for Millennials and Gen Z to maintain a balance between physical and spiritual health so that life is more quality.

Agoeng explained that SHOFA means clear or pure. The degree of acidity or pH in drinking water is guaranteed to be at a number that is safe for consumption, which is 7.5.

Then, based on the comparison of physical and chemical tests to other products, the content of SHOFA is Iron (Fe) 0.01 mg per liter, Manganese (mn) 0.002 mg per liter, Nitrite (No2) 0.2 mg per liter, and Nitrate (No3 ) 0.002 mg per liter.

"Obviously this number range is safe for consumption because SHOFA is processed with modern technology," said Agoeng.

Packaged in a 600 ml bottle, SHOFA's appearance is dominated by green as a representation of the breath of Islam, especially because SHOFA's management in running its business adheres to sharia economic rules.

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