JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) stated that the potential for technology-based financing business or financial technology or fintech is increasingly opening up along with the breadth of internet access in Indonesia. This ease of access also encourages the perpetrators to carry out more intensive promotions to optimize this potential.

Advisor to the OJK Digital Financial Innovation Group, Maskum explained, the huge potential of the fintech industry is also reflected in the composition of people who do not have bank accounts (unbanked) reaching 92 million people in 2019.

Meanwhile, Maskum said people who have accounts but cannot use financial services such as investment, credit, and insurance, reach 47 million people.

"Fintech continues to grow along with the increasing adoption of information technology in the country. With a transaction value of Rp. 19.2 trillion throughout 2021, the number of digital money or e-money users in Indonesia reaches more than 500 million, which is twice the total population. ," he said in a written statement, Tuesday, November 9.

According to Maskum, to maximize the existing potential, all stakeholders try to continue to educate the public on the market. How, through promotions that are held almost every year.

This year, said Maksum, his party in collaboration with Bank Indonesia (BI), the Indonesian Sharia Fintech Association (AFSI), and the Indonesian Fintech Association (AFTECH) will hold a month-long activity entitled National Fintech Month (BFN) with the hashtag #FintechAmandanNyaman.

Through these activities, Maskum said that various attractive promos would be given to improve public financial literacy. The BFN activity plan will be held on November 11, 2021 or better known as 11.11 as the national fintech day.

"The potential of fintech in Indonesia is very open with the wider internet access when compared to the composition of the Indonesian people who have not been touched by conventional banking services," he explained.

Not only targeting individual consumers, Maksum explained that the promotion will target micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) entering the digital ecosystem. He reported that until November 2021, more than 12 million merchants dominated by MSMEs had been connected to the QRIS barcode service.

"In terms of technology used by end users, fintech also supports the MSME (digitalization) ecosystem," he said.

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