JAKARTA - The Investment Alert Task Force (SWI) of the Financial Services Authority has resumed efforts to eradicate illegal online loans (pinjol) by closing 116 entities that do not have legal legality.

The head of the Investment Alert Task Force, Tongam L. Tobing, said that his party will continue to monitor to close illegal loan applications and websites that are still operating.

"The illegal pinjol found in this cyber patrol is still operating on the internet and applications on the mobile telecommunications network (Whatsapp)," he said in an official statement quoted on Thursday, November 4.

According to Tongam, in addition to closing operations through the Ministry of Communication and Information, his party has also submitted a list of illegal loans to the police for legal action.

Tongam said that if SWI supports the Indonesian Police's firm action, which has arrested a number of illegal lenders in various areas, because without the arrests of the perpetrators, illegal lending operations will still appear by changing names or creating new applications.

"Strict action against the perpetrators of this illegal crime must continue to be carried out to protect the community," he said.

He also supported the statement by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD which stated that the illegal loan agreement in operation was declared invalid and did not meet the correct agreement requirements.

"For this reason, if people have become victims of illegal lending and receive threats and terror of violence, they are asked to immediately report to the police," he said.

Just so you know, from 2018 to October 2021 the Investment Alert Task Force has closed no less than 3,631 illegal loans that have disturbed the public.

In addition to illegal lending activities, SWI also took action against seven business activities suspected of carrying out financial activities without permission from the authorities. Meanwhile, the seven entities consist of six forex activities, crypto assets and trading robots, as well as one investment management activity.

"If they find a suspicious investment offer, the public can consult or report to OJK Consumer Service 157," Tongam concluded.

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