JAKARTA - A number of new facts emerged from the case of alleged sexual harassment and intimidation experienced by an employee of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), MS. KPI's commitment to guarding the MS case was questioned when this case was no longer making headlines. Should justice continue to be watched?
Recent developments, MS is reported to have experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). On the advice of Central Jakarta Police investigators, MS is now undergoing a psychological examination process by a psychiatrist doctor at the Police Hospital (RS).
"MS is currently waiting for the results of the forensic psychiatry test at the Police Hospital. This test is a request from the Central Jakarta Police investigators to the Police Hospital to determine whether there was a crime," said his attorney, Mualimin to VOI, Thursday, October 28.
"MS was examined in total six times, including his wife, sister, and mother ... The results from the Police Hospital will determine the next legal steps taken by the Central Jakarta Police," added Mualimin.
Mualimin also explained that now MS is often dumbfounded, angry, and shouting. According to him, this is also influenced by the condition of MS, who is currently released from his duties.
"MS is not actively working so more free time which ultimately makes him daydream a lot and worry about things in the future."
Besides being no longer active in work, MS's mental health condition is also affected by economic problems. Indeed, he still gets a salary every month. But psychiatric examinations and treatment drained him of his finances.
"The number of examinations that make him have a lot of expenses, plus medication that drains the contents of the wallet."
"After being 'tortured' by psychological examinations six times, MS finally went to a psychiatrist at the Police Hospital at his own expense. Including buying three types of prescribed drugs, he also used his personal pocket," Mualimin.
KPI's commitment to guard MS cases is questioned
MS is currently trying to ensure KPI's responsibility to oversee this case, including financing MS's recovery. MS's lawyer, Mualimin, said that from the start there was a contradiction in KPI's stance in guarding this case.
"MS is very disappointed with the contradictory statement of the KPI Commissioners. One commissioner stated that he was ready to help and bear the treatment efforts for MS. It was his turn to ask for an official letter of request to be sent, the reply letter said that KPI rejected MS's request and the other commissioner answered the rejection letter," said Mualimin.
"The unsynchronized attitude of the KPI leadership makes MS even more disappointed and frustrated. MS is confused as a victim being treated like a ping pong ball. Finally, MS is desperate to drain his own savings for treatment to recover and buy sedatives," added Mualimin.
KPI's Commissioner for Institutional Affairs, Irsal Ambia, denies KPI's accusations of running away from responsibility. He said that since September, when this case came to the fore, KPI had facilitated psychological support for MS. Even so, Irsal did not answer when the last assistance was given to MS.
"Since the ninth month, we have, at the request of the victim, provided psychological assistance through the health services we have. We don't know exactly what psychologists or psychiatrists know," said Irsal, contacted by VOI, Thursday, October 28.
Furthermore, Irsal admitted that up to now KPI has not financed other costs other than the internal assistance procedures. But, said Irsal, KPI will replace it in the form of reimbursement.
"If it is related to treatment that requires financing, apart from the health services we have, we will later help to solve it. Later that will be the task of the secretariat because it involves staffing. The KPI Secretariat will later help with the financing."
"That's why it will be procedurally adjusted. The secretariat is more understanding. I don't understand about procedures, finances, and so on. The point is that we will help. As for the details, what is the secretariat's domain. I don't understand financial matters," Irsal.
Justice must continue to be glared at?Justice in the criminal context of this case is of course the domain of the police. We still have to wait. But justice for MS in getting the rights promised by KPI is a matter of today.
MS's attorney, Mualimin explained that there was a change in KPI's attitude at the beginning of this case going viral to now, when the news of this case subsided. "In the early days, the KPI leadership paid attention and asked about MS."
"Even the KPI Commissioner promised MS to move divisions and the Reported Party would be fired immediately. After this case subsided and another viral hit, the words of the KPI leadership were empty. Now there is no more attention or greeting from above regarding MS's latest condition," Mualimin.
MS is also said to be increasingly cornered. He was 'framed' as if the party was guilty of tarnishing the name of the KPI. This framing keeps MS leaders and co-workers away from him.
Saddam Hussein, a social media influencer, is well aware of this condition, who to this day has consistently amplified news about the MS case. The owner of the @mazzini_gsp account explained the reason why he focused on spreading news of the development of the MS case.
Update on cases of bullying and harassment at KPI By relying on the remnants of his personal savings, MS will today come to the Police Hospital to see a psychiatrist. The cost of MS psychological treatment this time is borne from his personal funds. Hello @KPI_Pusat, I hope KPI is moved to help MS. pic.twitter.com/WBFvzv8oK1
— Mazzini (@mazzini_gsp) October 22, 2021
Just search @mazzini_gsp, it's still always updated about MS
— muhadi rahman (@joyboyvej) October 22, 2021
"The reason I'm guarding this MS case is because from the start it was indirectly involved with the @mediteraniaq account that up this case on Twitter. He DM and mentioned me initially. Since there were threats from the reported party that he would be prosecuted, from that moment he disappeared."
"So, yes, you have been involved from the start, so keep an eye on it," said Saddam to VOI, Thursday, October 28.
Saddam realized that the flow of information was massive. There must be concentration allocated so that this case remains on the path of justice.
"When the case is no longer in the public spotlight, usually the party responsible for handling it is careless, right. In the end, the victim can't get justice anymore. That's what should not happen in this MS case. That's why it needs to be escorted," said Saddam.
*Read other information about SEXUAL HARASSMENT or read other interesting articles from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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