NUNUKAN - The persecution of a member of the police, Brigadier SL by the Head of the Nunukan Police, AKBP Syaiful Anwar, resulted in the deactivation of the perpetrator. This problem raises the question of how capable are the police, including in North Kalimantan (Kaltara) in mastering technology? Could there be any stuttering?
We discussed this issue with the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Kaltara Budi Rachmat. He explained that the police in the Kaltara area were actually facilitated in terms of technology.
Even so, he admits that there is a weakness in human resources (HR) in mastering the technology. Several things are the cause. The most important thing is the remoteness of the Kaltara region.
"We got the facilities and infrastructure. From a technology perspective, it's extraordinary. But from a human resource perspective, we are still far away, right... So even though the technology is good, but in terms of resources, it's not a problem," said Budi Rachmat to VOI.
Some steps actually try to be circumvented. For example, by recruiting SMK graduates who have a focus on studies in the IT field. This is done to fill the vacancies of HR in the IT field.
"We recruited brigadiers not from non-commissioned officers but from vocational schools, indeed those in the IT field. We are constrained on the resource side."

Draws into the wider HR context. Budi Rachmat tells that Kaltara is not only lacking in police officers with good technology skills, but basically there is a shortage of police.
What is being done to get around this is to empower local communities. In addition, they also optimize member recruitment by setting a larger revenue quota in the Kaltara area.
"We are adjusting the culture of the local area. That is the picture of the Kaltara police, the same as that of the people."
Returning to the issue of technology, Budi Rachmat also touched on decentralization that was not going well in Kaltara. Although equipped with police technology supporting facilities and infrastructure, in fact the basic aspects of support, such as communication networks are still a problem.
"Because so far it belongs to Jakarta, right. North Kalimantan is in the northernmost area. People say the North Pole. We have problems with transportation."
"There is also a problem with the communication network. There are many blackspot networks in North Kalimantan. There is also a problem with the population."
Commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Poengky Indarti confirmed this. According to him, Kaltara is an area where police digital reform is not going well.
"The Kaltara Regional Police are the newest Regional Police. So it makes sense that there is still a shortage of human resources. Previously, the Kaltara area was part of the East Kalimantan Regional Police. I visited the Nunukan Police Station when I was under the East Kalimantan Regional Police.
"I also visited the Sebatik Police, which is a police station that borders Tawau-Malaysia. I saw that the internet connection in the border area was not as sophisticated as in Jakarta and other big cities. Sometimes we even encounter power outages. pretty good."
Not only Kaltara, according to Kompolnas field observations, this problem tends to evenly occur in remote areas and frontier islands. "For example in the interior of Papua. I've been to Intan Jaya, cell phone signal is very difficult."
What does this have to do with Brigadier SL's persecution?
According to Budi Rachmat, this HR issue is relevant to the case of the mistreatment of AKBP Syaiful Anwar against his subordinate, Brigadier SL. According to Budi Rachmat, Brigadier SL is a reliable party in IT issues within the Nunukan Police Chief.
His mistake in operating Zoom then triggered the disappointment of AKBP Syaiful Anwar. Of course it's not justification, but that's the confession of AKBP Syaiful Anwar. "Because of that the accumulation of disappointment from the SL Brigadier who was assigned there," said Budi Rachmat.
In an ideal situation, beatings shouldn't happen. Budi Rachmat said AKBP Syaiful Anwar should simply replace the SL Brigadier with another member if he was deemed incompetent. The problem, according to Budi Rachmat, is the limited human resources.
"But after all beatings should not be carried out on members. There are verbal, written, physical sanctions, which do not mean beatings. In this case it is still wrong (beating) because in fact it could have been replaced. Educate other members again," said Budi Rachmat.
Digital reform, HR is lagging behind
In recent years, the issue of digital reform within the Indonesian National Police has become a demand that the Bhayangkara Corps must pursue. Globalization, accompanied by advances in information and communication technology, brings many changes, including in the mindset, behavior, and demands of society.
The National Police, as part of the government bureaucracy, is also required to meet technology standardization and digitalization 4.0 in fulfilling the obligation to protect, serve, and enforce the law for public order and security. This was called by Vice President Maruf Amin.
"Simply put, it can be said that in line with the development of digital technology 4.0, now and in the future the community demands smart and professional Polri services, which are able to face the challenges and developments of an increasingly complex digital era society," said Maruf in a 2020 webinar.
"Therefore, the Police Bureaucratic Reform needs to be continued, even accelerated so that the hope of realizing a more professional, humanist, KKN-free and reliable Indonesian Police posture can be implemented immediately," added Maruf.
There are several things that have been realized, for example e-Samsat, online SIM, online SKCK, smart SIM, e-Tilang, and so on. The things that Maruf appreciates, although in fact it is not enough to form a sophisticated Polri identity.
"Innovations like this have certainly provided convenience for the community while at the same time increasing public trust in the Polri institution," Maruf said.
This is also one of the visions expressed by the National Police Chief Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo when undergoing a fit and proper test as the sole candidate in Commission III of the DPR RI. "Making the National Police as a predictive, responsible and transparent (PRESISI) institution."
Commissioner of National Police, Poengky Indarti, sees Listyo's vision of realizing a PRECISION police force that must be accompanied by acceleration of digital reform within the Indonesian National Police, including the matter of human resources. A capable technology in the hands of a reliable police will optimize the work of the police.
Unfortunately, "the quality and quantity are indeed lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the recruitment quota and to improve the quality, it is necessary to increase the number of education and training," Poengky.
"Technology will obviously facilitate police work. For example, with various applications, including E-SP2HP for periodic investigation reports on complainants that can be easily accessed, instead of waiting for SP2HP to be sent by post.
"On the other hand, technological advances in the form of body cameras in carrying out investigative tasks can help supervise and make the work of members transparent so that they comply with the rules."
*Read other information about the POLICE or read other interesting articles from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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