JAKARTA - The case of bullying and sexual harassment experienced by employees of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) is truly heartbreaking. How not, the case that has occurred since almost a decade ago has only been uncovered now. This also seems to create a habit that a new case will be thoroughly investigated when it has gone viral in the public sphere. How long do you want law enforcement in Indonesia to be like this?

MS said that he had experienced sexual harassment and bullying from his seniors since 2012. He said the perpetrators dared to sexually harass and bully him because they were considered 'cheeky' and did not dare to fight back.

The sexual harassment and bullying she received started when she was often asked to serve her seniors. MS felt disapproved because he and the perpetrators had the same position, namely as KPI employees.

At its peak, in 2015 the perpetrators were abuzz with their heads, hands, feet, stripped naked, pinned them, and abused them. In fact, MS had reported to the police. However, his report at the Gambir Sector Police in 2019 was not received and he was asked to resolve the problem internally.

Rejected twice

MS has reportedly reported his case to the Gambir Metro Police, Central Jakarta. However, the report was rejected.

"Yes, the victim made a report but there was no response because it was considered insufficient evidence," said MS's lawyer, Mualimin Wadah, when contacted by Medcom, Thursday, September 2, 2021.

The KPI employee reported that he was a victim of sexual harassment by his colleagues. Then the police asked for proof, and he couldn't give any proof.

"He as a victim does not have visual evidence, photos, or anything, so he doesn't have time. Instead, the victim was photographed by the perpetrator and did not know where the photo was," Mualimin explained.

MS has worked as a contract employee at KPI since 2011. He often received bullying, slavery, and sexual harassment by his co-workers.

"They held my head, hands, feet, stripped me naked, stabbed me, abused me by scribbling on my testicles using markers in 2015. This incident traumatized me and lost emotional stability," said MS in a written statement that went viral.

Illustration (Source: Unsplash)

MS admitted that he had twice tried to report to the Gambir Sector Police. However, the complaint is mental.

He first reported to the Gambir Police in 2019. At that time, the police asked MS to first complain to his superiors so that the problem was resolved internally. "In fact, the officer said to report to the superior first. Let the internal office handle it," said Mualimin.

After a year, because the bullying was still going on, MS again reported to the Gambir Police. MS hopes that the report will be processed and the perpetrators investigated. "But at the police station, the officers didn't take my story seriously and instead said, 'Look, sir, where's the number of the person who harassed you, let me call the person'".

However, the police denied that they had ever rejected MS's report to the Gambir Sector Police. Police said their new report was received on Thursday 2 September.

"What is reported is that the reporter has reported to the Gambir Sector Police, there has never been a report and (MS) admits that he never reported it. Just last night (reported)," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, September 2.

MS's report was then only made after members of the Central Jakarta Metro Police visited his residence. In the meeting, MS finally made a police report (LP).

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus (Photo: Rizki/VOI)
Why wait for it to go viral?

Criminal Law expert, Suparji Ahmad questioned the KPI for not giving strict sanctions to the perpetrators in the past. He regretted why it was only after the viral investigation was carried out in-depth. Even though the victim has reported it several times.

"Speak up MS should be appreciated. Because his actions were so brave, and finally got a positive response from the community," said Suparji to VOI.

Suparji said the actions experienced by MS did not reflect the nature of humanity. "Moreover, this is happening in the KPI environment, which in fact their work is related to the values and morals adopted in Indonesia," said Suparji.

Even more sad, the alleged perpetrators are adults. And the victim already has children and families. "This case is very concerning," said Suparji.

Suparji hopes that strict action will be taken regarding this case. Considering that MS has officially submitted a complaint accompanied by the KPI.

"All those involved in this case must be dealt with firmly. In my opinion, this cannot be resolved with restorative justice, considering the events have been going on for years and the victim's psyche has been affected," he said.

*Read other information about CRIMINAL or read other interesting articles from Ramdan Febrian Arifin.


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