JAKARTA - Lebaran is the time to visit and apologize to each other. To familiarize your relationship, you can give gifts to relatives or relatives during a visit in Lebaran.

Those who are most looking forward to a gift are children. Because they will usually receive sticky money that is put in an envelope. The amount of money given varies depending on the ability of the giver.

However, there are a number of reasons why money should be replaced with gifts to children. The common reason is the allocation of limited funds. But it's not a problem, we can replace it with an interesting and special gift. Here's an alternative.

Books and stationery

Childhood is school time. They need more school equipment to support their learning.

Giving gifts of books and stationery is an interesting idea that will make children feel happy. Especially now they will enter the new school year.

For those of you who have limited funds, take it easy. The price of a notebook and stationery per unit ranges from Rp3,000-5,000 which is safe to spend.

Beverage bottles

Another gift idea for Eid is a drink bottle or tumbler. In the marketplace, you can find a large selection of tumblers with various colors and competitive prices. Prices range from Rp10,000 to Rp100,000.

This tumbler you can hand over by wrapping it like a souvenir. Getting a beautiful gift will give joy to the children.


Children have a lot of time to play with their friends during Lebaran. Usually, they play war games using toy guns or firecrackers.

Many types of toys are available, such as dolls, robots, cars and so on. Don't forget to wrap it in gift paper to add to their curiosity.


New clothes on Eid are common. Maybe the kids have received it from the parents. You can complete them by giving them new shoes.

It would be more useful if the shoes given are school shoes. During Lebaran, you can buy shoes at a discounted price, so that with money starting from Rp30,000, you can find school shoes to be a gift to children.

pencil case

Remember childhood, what do you usually be proud of when you're in class? pencil case. Make a pencil case as a gift that will make children feel happy and proud.

Moreover, pencil case motifs are now increasingly diverse by featuring cartoon characters and superheroes.

Those are 5 interesting gift ideas in lieu of sticky money to children during Lebaran. The prize looks more valuable because it is done with effort so as to give an impression rather than giving money that seems too practical when given.


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