JAKARTA - The Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly immediately submitted a draft omnibus law to the DPR. In a meeting with Commission III, Yasonna said, early next year the draft has been discussed between the government and the DPR.
Yasonna explained, through the omnibus law scheme, the government would simplify the convoluted licensing regulations. Two major laws that will be discussed with this scheme are the Job Creation Law and the MSME Empowerment Law.
"We will put it in the carry-over priority program later. Indeed, the super priority chairman is the omnibus law," he said, during a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 28.
The government and the DPR Legislation Body have accelerated communication so that early next year discussions on the omnibus law can begin. The omnibus law bill can be passed immediately.
"We will propose that it is estimated that in late December or early January it will be completed," he said.
According to Yasonna, the consignment team continues to speed up the draft omnibus law, especially for the Job Creation Law and the UMKM Empowerment Law.
"We still have a little more to put in the carry-over priority Prolegnas plan in 2020. This is our agreement. And I have spoken with friends in Baleg about this," he explained.
Later the omnibus law will cut 80 articles which are deemed to hinder business licensing and investment. Even so, these articles will not be immediately deleted.
"The development of 80. But that doesn't mean all 80 are thrown away. Only certain articles are discarded. Repaired, if anything (can) be repaired. Some are, for example, the Patent Law, which we wanted to revise Article 20, just throw it away. Revoke it. Article 20 is missing, "he explained.

The Taxation Law will also be included
In addition to the Employment Creation Law (UU) and the UMKM Empowerment Law, the Government will also propose an omnibus law related to taxation. Yasonna said this was due to encourage investment.
"Incentives will also create job opportunities. But so that he is separated we want to give tax incentives. That's the finance minister (who is currently discussing)," he said.
The Tax Omnibus Law Bill will later summarize and modernize the existing taxation provisions in the previous law.
One of the points is the reduction in the Corporate Income Tax (PPh) rate, which according to the plan will be gradually reduced from 25 percent to 23 percent in 2020 and 20 percent in 2021.
So, changes to the Income Tax (PPh) Law and the Value Added Tax (VAT) Law will be carried out next after the Omnibus Bill.
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