JAKARTA - The murder case of a father and grandmother in Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, has shocked the public. In cases involving children, clinical psychologist Reza Indagiri Amriel said there are five things that investigators need to pay attention to.

Residents in the Bona Indah Housing Complex, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, were suddenly shocked by the arrest of a teenager with the initials MAS by the police. The 14-year-old boy killed his father, APW and grandmother, RM, in his house at around 01.00 WIB. In addition, AMS also attacked his mother but was saved.

Until this article was published, it was not yet known what the motive was for the child to kill his father and grandmother, as well as injure his own mother. However, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Gogo Galesung, explained that from the temporary examination, the perpetrator admitted to receiving a "whisper" that was "disturbing".

Police evacuate the bodies of APW and RM at the Bona Indah Housing Complex, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Saturday (11/30/2024). (ANTARA/HO-Personal Documentation)

"He felt like he couldn't sleep, and there were things whispering to him, disturbing him, like that," Gogo said.

"We are still investigating, we can't draw any conclusions yet," he continued.

The Influence of Family and Environmental Parenting Patterns

This is the umpteenth time that children have had legal problems in Indonesia. Regarding the case that befell MAS, he was known to be quiet by his neighbors. Therefore, this murder case shocked many parties.

Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Dian Sasmita emphasized that not all children grow and respond according to adult expectations. According to Dian, children's growth is greatly influenced by various factors, both from family parenting patterns and the surrounding environment.

"Family parenting and educational environments have a major contribution to children's lives. Because most of their time is spent in these two environments," said KPAI Commissioner Dian Sasmita in her statement.

Dian added the importance of increasing awareness of good and loving parenting in society. An educational environment that is free from violence and supports the development of children's character.

"This is our joint task to create a better environment for children," she said.

Forensic psychologist Reza Indragiri Amriel stressed the importance of being careful in giving children access to gadgets or social media. (Unsplash)

Meanwhile, forensic psychologist Reza Indragiri Amriel emphasized that there are different perspectives on adult and child perpetrators. Unlike adult perpetrators, child perpetrators in Indonesia are protected by the Law on the Juvenile Criminal Justice System which was formed to specifically protect and maintain the dignity of children who still have a future.

For this reason, the emergence of evil behavior in children, including that carried out by MAS recently, Reza highlighted at least five things that need to be examined. Not only from parenting patterns, but also how the perpetrator socializes both in real life and in cyberspace.

First, said Reza, it is necessary to find out whether there is a possibility that this child has a special mental condition as well as whether there is a possibility that the person concerned is abusing illegal substances, whether narcotics, psychotropics, or other addictive substances.

Second, it is necessary to find out that the perpetrator's violent fantasies also need to be considered.

“Talking about violent fantasies, it is relevant to identify what he reads, what sites he visits, what movies or shows he watches, what his dreams are like,” Reza told VOI.

“This will help us understand how this child expresses or constructs fantasies about violence,” he added.

Control Device Access for Children

The third thing that must be examined according to Reza is analyzing the pattern of anger expression, whether it is different from other children or not. Furthermore, to deal with cases like this, it is also necessary to check the stability of the perpetrator in the educational environment.

"Are there problems with lessons at school, have they ever been expelled, have they ever failed a class, and so on," said Reza.

No less important is analyzing social relations, whether with peers, school friends, neighbors, or relations with family including parents.

After examining the five things that have been mentioned, it is possible to conclude what the most dominant factor is that underlies "naughty" behavior in children.

Referring to the results of the study, there are two things that are dominant factors, namely relations with family or parents and friendship relations. Regarding friendship relations, according to Reza, it is also necessary to examine how the relations are on social media, including in WhatsApp groups, Facebook friendships or other social media.

KPAI Member, Dian Sasmita. (ANTARA/Anita Permata Dewi)

"This is a social relationship that needs to be studied in a contemporary situation like today," he said.

"As a consequence, we must be extra careful in giving children access to gadgets or social media. Even if it is not possible to provide a ban, stricter control or control is needed," Reza added.

He also gave an example of how the policy in Australia tightens the use of social media. Reza emphasized that the country only allows children aged 16 and over to access social media.

Does Indonesia need to imitate the policy of that country? This is something that is worth discussing, said Reza, because in today's era it makes sense to be vigilant about the potential dangers of gadgets and social media.

"It could be that the source of wrong information, information about violence, information about the wrong adaptation process, comes from the internet, from social media. This is what we need to try to fortify so that it does not disrupt children's lives too much," said Reza in closing.

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