JAKARTA - Police shot dead a woman with a gun who broke into the National Police Headquarters, Wednesday afternoon, March 31. A number of items allegedly belonging to the perpetrator were confiscated by the police. There are several objects, including the membership card of the Indonesian Hunting and Shooting Association (Perbakin). The organization denied that the woman with the initials ZA was a member.
Through a press statement received by VOI, Perbakin explained that KTA Club and KTA Perbakin were two different things. The press statement also explained the terms and procedures for making Perbakin cards.
"You need to know, KTA Club and KTA Perbakin are different. The owner of the KTA Club stated that he was a member of the club under Perbakin. This means that he is a member of the club but not necessarily a member of Perbakin. And the base of the shooting club is no longer registered in the DKI Perbakin Province. (It's been frozen for a long time due to inactivity). "

The main requirements for becoming a member of Perbakin are as follows. First, that person must first become a member of the official shooting club under Perbakin.
This is also the initial stage in how Perbakin members get to know the sport of shooting, be it the use of weapons, understanding security for themselves and others, legal insight, rules and regulations, and other things. At this stage someone also gets a KTA Club.
After officially becoming a member and having the KTA Club, a member must hold a recommendation issued by the club chairman to become a member of Perbakin. In addition to the club chairman, that person must also obtain recommendations from at least two people who are active members of Perbakin and registered as administrators.
Types of KTA PerbakinThere are three types of KTA Perbakin. First, KTA Shoot Target. This KTA is intended for members of the target shooter with the type of air rifle and air rifle shooting athletes.
Second, KTA Hunting, which is devoted to members who like to hunt. Before getting KTA Hunting, members must take part in the upgrading that was held by Perbakin. The member must also receive a recommendation from the club where he belongs.
The third is KTA Shoot Reaction. This KTA is intended for members whose hobby is shooting firearms. Can be short and long barrel. To get KTA Shoot Reaction, that member must also go through the training and reaction shooting selection.
Conditions for submitting KTA PerbakinStill referring to the same press statement, here are the requirements for filing a KTA Perbakin:
1. Receive a Letter of Recommendation from the club / club chairman under PERBAKIN.
2. Fill out the KTA application form signed by the applicant concerned and known and signed by the club chairman, the head of the district / city / district and the head of the Perbakin prov.
3. Filling in the KTA application form must be typed. Handwriting is prohibited.
4. Attach a photo copy of KTP according to a valid domicile.
5. Attach a recent photograph in color with a red background and measuring 3 × 4 (4 sheets) and 4 × 6 (4 sheets).
6. Attach a photo copy of a valid Police Record Certificate (SKCK).
7. Attach a Health Certificate from the Doctor.
8. Specifically for candidate members of the Target Shooting Field, the person concerned is active as a shooting athlete and has at least participated in championships at the provincial level. To prove this requirement, prospective members must attach the results of their matches or the prospective members are members of the PB Perbakin / Pengprov / Pengkab / Pengkot or Club management members with the proof of attaching a Management Decree.
9. Specifically for prospective members of the Hunting Sector, the concerned has attended basic hunting training / training as evidenced by attaching a photocopy of the training certificate of basic hunting training.
9. Particularly for candidate members of the Reaction Shooting Field, the concerned person has participated in a reaction firing training as evidenced by attaching a photocopy of the reaction firing training certificate.
10. Pay the specified ddminitrasi.
* Read other information about the POLRI Headquarters ATTACK or read other interesting articles by Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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