JAKARTA - Cases of death due to alcohol have occurred again. This time in Bekasi, West Java, in a wedding celebration. Two people died, ten others were treated for adulterated drinks they drank.

According to the story, their drinking party was held by 'turning the glass' throughout the wedding ceremony. Not long after, one by one of them started vomiting. Help given. One by one the drinkers were rushed to the nearest hospital.

In some regional traditions, the procession of drinking alcohol is common. Apart from regional traditions, the custom of providing alcohol at weddings is also often carried out by certain groups.

All are entitled to it. It's just that what is clear that must be considered is what drinks are provided. Choosing any drink is clearly not justified.

We asked the sociologist Musni Umar about this. In social observation, drinking alcohol in important events was originally carried out among those from high social strata. However, over time, the habit expanded.

The exemplary and imitation culture inherent in social nature encourages this expansion. Thus, the tradition of drinking as a party celebration procession is no longer seen from one's social strata.

"It's a habit that gradually becomes a culture. People who are seen by the community do it and are followed by others," Musni told VOI, Thursday, March 12.


The development of the habit of drinking alcohol can not be stopped. Because, there are no rules against it. So, even law enforcement officers cannot take action.

So far, there are several ways that have been done to reduce the habit of drinking. By raiding places that sell alcohol, for example. However, there was no significant impact.

Therefore, Murni encourages the existence of rules that govern this social behavior. Or if that's not possible, at least there are rules to protect the drinkers.

"This is a phenomenon that has grown and developed in our country because of the law," said Musni.

Furthermore, Musni sees the government as if it has closed its eyes by the cases of deaths caused by alcohol. Musni views this indifference because most of the cases of death are experienced by the little people.

"This is a case that has happened a lot but the government seems to ignore it because only small people are victims," said Musni.

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