Many Health Experts Condemn TikTok's Viral Video Of Hot Wax Therapy For The Face
Candle therapy video footage (TikTok / @ Kapsalon)

JAKARTA - A viral video on TikTok. About people covering their faces with hot wax. This activity which they also call therapy has sparked concern for many skin health experts.

In the video, the people will be shown soft wax covering their faces, mouths and necks. In some videos, the wax from the chemical also enters the ears and nose, before finally being released from the face.

One of the most watched videos uploaded by a barber in the Netherlands. He claims it is a beneficial therapy.

TikTok is now urged to add a warning to this content. However, TikTok considers that the video does not violate any guidelines regarding malicious behavior because it is done by professionals.

Against health and beauty experts

The British Association of Skin Disease Experts (BAD) has challenged the narrative shared by the video of the challenge. "Putting wax in your nose or ears is not recommended."

A skin specialist in the UK also called the therapy a risk of obstructing breathing. Not only health experts. salon worker in John and Ginger England, Alex Echeverri also described the risk of death from this therapy.

There is the potential for this therapy to cause a person to suffocate, he said. "Our first consideration is that this method can cause suffocation," said Echeverri, a beautician who has been in the industry for two decades.

"We have no control over what happens to smothering someone's face with hot wax ... And the wax will harden so that the chemicals could harden in the airways and have to be surgically removed," he said, as written by the BBC.

This statement refers to a video that shows the process of removing the hot wax that has hardened and covered the face. The video has been viewed more than a million times and uploaded by Renaz Ismael, owner of Kapsalon Freedom.

According to him, this kind of facial therapy is commonplace in his birthplace in the Middle East. On the other hand, Ishmael also claims to innovate with the therapy.

"I am the first person in the world to do full facial waxing ... This therapy is not bad for your skin," she told the BBC.


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