JAKARTA - Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo has a different way of dealing with the problem of illegal fishing. The reason is, Edhy's new policy contradicts what his predecessor, Susi Pudjiastuti, had done.

However, for the time being Edhy still maintains the old ways of the KKP by sinking fishing thieves in Indonesian seas. Nevertheless, the KKP will be careful in determining which fishermen are entitled to receive the confiscated ship for fear that the ship will be sold back to its original owner.

The policy option, not to sink fishing thieves immediately, is seen as a more pro step towards fishermen. According to a public policy observer from Trisaksi University, Trubus Rahardiansyah, the move to auction off ships instead of sinking them could be the best option for providing facilities to fishing communities.

"Mrs. Susi is a rational way of thinking. If drowned, people can no longer commit theft. That is rational, but it is short term," he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Thursday, November 21.

Meanwhile, according to him, Edhy's policy was to use what he got. Captured illegal ships do not need to be sunk. This is because sinking ships is not the only way to have a deterrent effect.

"The effect is short. Indeed, our fishermen can catch a lot of fish. But thieves can come in again. So by being auctioned it means that the ship can be used. If it is burned so far, not only does this boat not function, fishermen also get nothing. The government also does not work. get anything. In fact, it actually disturbs bilateral relations with the origin of the thief ship, "he explained.

In agreement, public policy observer from Public Budgeting Metropolitan Watch (BMW), Amir Hamzah, assessed that Edhy's current policy places sinking ships as the last option. Because, the first step is warning. Then if they cannot, they can be arrested and will be confiscated into state property. After it has been confiscated, it can be given to or used by fishermen through cooperatives or through local governments.

"I see good intentions that maybe we can only see the results two or three months after the action was carried out. I think so (more pro fishermen). Because he read the experience and asked the director general the level of success when this ministry was led by Mrs. Susi and now improving with new policies, "he said.

Amir said that with the increasing prevalence of illegal fishing by foreign countries, this fact could be used to strengthen the Indonesian navy. For example, by increasing the number of ships to carry out sea escort.

"The maritime security agency in the Ministry of Transportation can also be used to monitor the sea. So that foreign parties will not easily enter our territory to commit illegal fishing," he said.

According to Amir, there must also be synergy between the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, both with the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Defense. It could also benefit the water and air police at the National Police Headquarters.

"Then we have to think about how to chase them, so that they don't get out of the Indonesian sea quickly. Because if we shoot them they are already outside the Indonesian sea, it will violate international legal principles," he explained.

The issue that Edhy also had to think about was regulation. According to Amir, the government must be able to establish a transparent court. If an illegal ship is decided to be auctioned off, the agreed price must be disclosed to the public. Likewise with where the funds were transferred.

Apart from that, there is also a need for regulations that state that illegal vessels may not be sold to the country or company of origin. Amir considered that this was important to prevent the ship from being reused for stealing.

"I think that is what requires a regulation that when the ship is caught through a court process by the state and belongs to the state. So the state should not sell the ship to the country of origin with certain compensation payments," he explained.

It could also be arranged that it was decided to be confiscated into state property, said Amir, then the state had to hand over it to the regional head in his territory where there were fish thieves or fishermen organizations.

"I think the effectiveness can only be seen through strengthening regulations. If it is still given to foreign countries, it is useless,"

Gerindra Supports Edhy's Policy

Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, ensured that his minister, Edhy Prabowo, would continue and even perfect any policies of previous ministers that were considered good.

Including the matter of sinking fish thieves with foreign flags. According to Dasco, his party understands that the spirit of this policy is the state's obligation to take firm action against foreign flagged fishing vessels.

"Referring to Article 69 paragraph (4) of the Fisheries Law, the provision of drowning is the last option for foreign flagged fishing vessels. Therefore, if inspection, detention and confiscation can still be carried out properly, then we suggest Edhy to open up other options. pro fisherman, "said Dasco.

An option that is considered to be more pro-fisherman is confiscation of the thief boat. According to Dasco, through the court ruling, the ship could be granted to poor fishermen in need, cheap sea transportation for fishermen and their families or used as a mobile health center.

"The principle is that instead of burning ships in vain and damaging the marine ecosystem, it is better for the foreign-flagged ships to be handed over to our fishermen who have been having trouble buying boats. What must be guarded is that the legal procedure must be strict and there should be no irregularities," he said.

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