JAKARTA - The Indonesian government should refrain from responding to the military coup in Myanmar. There is a reason.

Professor of International Law at the University of Indonesia, Hikmahanto Juwana, explained that the response to the coup could be seen as a form of Indonesian intervention in Myanmar's internal affairs.

"In the ASEAN Charter (UN in Southeast Asia) Article 2 Paragraph 2 letter e states that ASEAN countries will not intervene (non-interference) in the domestic affairs of a country. Therefore, Indonesia's attitude is to respect this by not doing it. nothing until there is certainty from the legitimate government, "Hikmahanto explained his recommendation to the Indonesian government.

Myanmar's military launched a coup against democratic rule Monday morning and detained state adviser Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint, several politicians from the National League for Democracy (NLD) election-winning party, as well as a number of activists.

Shortly after Suu Kyi's arrest, the military declared a state of emergency which would last one year. The status of emergency was declared because the military considered the government failed to resolve the dispute over the voter list in the November 8 2020 general election and suppressed mass protests in several areas.

Ideally for Indonesia

Regarding the coup, Hikmahanto argued that the Indonesian government should just observe the development of the situation in Myanmar and give warnings to Indonesian citizens (WNI) in that country or who plan to go to Myanmar.

"Indonesia must allow the coup government to consolidate," he said, stressing that Indonesia was different from Western countries such as the United States, Australia and Britain which directly condemned the military coup in Myanmar for violating democratic principles.

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Monday afternoon, February 1, asked all parties to the conflict in Myanmar to immediately refrain and put forward dialogue as a way to solve the problem.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, as quoted from the official statement posted on social media Twitter, said that Indonesia was concerned about the political situation in Myanmar.

"Indonesia asks all parties to obey the principles of the ASEAN Charter, comply with the rule of law, good governance, democratic principles, and constitutional governance. Indonesia also underlines that all general election disputes can be resolved through the available legal mechanisms," according to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that there are at least 500 Indonesian citizens in Myanmar. "Their condition is currently in good and safe condition. The majority of Indonesian citizens work in the oil and gas sector (oil and gas, ed), factories, the garment industry, and crew members (crew members, red)," said the Director of Indonesian Citizen Protection and Indonesian Legal Entities at the Ministry. RI Foreign Affairs, Judha Nugraha, through written information received Monday, February 1.

Judha stated that the Indonesian representative office in Myanmar had appealed to Indonesian citizens to remain calm and contact available emergency contacts if they face problems.

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