JAKARTA - Many people call the LGBT a disaster-bearer. We can easily see those arguments on Twitter's social media. The question, is it true that the LGBT has any correlation with the causes of the disaster?

The LGBT even became a trending topic today, January 20. The @Bonggaz97 account owner, for example. He openly stated that the cause of many disasters in Indonesia is LGBT. Who knows? From many scientific reasons, including the most common insight that Indonesia is passed by the ring of fire?

"So remember the LGBT abbreviation stands for Longsor (Landslide) Gempa (Earthquake) Banjir (Flood) and Tsunami! Be careful guys, the reason Indonesia often has disasters is not because Indonesia has a ring of fire but because of LGBT," he wrote.

Similar to @Bonggaz97, the owner of @CHAWNMA98 account even offered a theory that the abbreviation LGBT itself symbolizes the recent disasters. Lesbian, for example. He interprets it as a hurricane, gay as an earthquake, bisexual as a flood, and transgender as an erupting mountain.

"The LGBT control natural disasters, if they are disturbed they will later unleash their power," said the @CHAWNMA98 account.

In fact, the owner of @desprate4adate account claims that the LGBT as disaster-bearer has been proven. "Now the LGBT is proven to be disaster-bearer," he wrote.

We Test

We tried to test the arguments echoed by many Twitter netizens. You do this by looking at the friendliness level of a country towards the LGBT, then correlating it with a country's disaster vulnerability index.

The results of our analysis noted that the statements made by many netizens on Twitter did not match the facts. Indonesia, as we all know, has never been called a country that is friendly to the LGBT.

However, in fact, according to The World Risk Index 2019, Indonesia is in 37th place as the country most prone to disasters. On the other hand, the most LGBT-friendly countries are the ones with the lowest disaster-prone levels.

LGBT-Friendly Country

Photo illustration (Quino Al/Unsplash)

Take a look at Malta. The LGBT Association in Europe, ILGA-Europe, lists this country which covers half of Jakarta Capital City, as the most LGBT-friendly country.

Even so, this country did not get a catastrophic "doom" like what some people say on Twitter. In fact, according to The World Risk Index 2019, Malta is the safest country from disasters. Number two in the world after Qatar.

It is recorded that the disaster vulnerability index in the country is only 0.54 percent. As quoted by NBC News, in 2016 Malta became the first country to ban gay "healing" therapies.

The country's parliament unanimously passed a Law prohibiting any practice aimed at "healing" the sexuality of non-heterosexual people.

Under Malta, the most LGBT-friendly country is Belgium. This country is known to be LGBT-friendly because it really appreciates one of the activists who first formed the LGBTQ association there, Suzan Daniel.

To appreciate Daniel's struggle, Belgium made a new bridge in the Belgian capital, Brussels. The bridge will later be named after the gay activist.

The assumption of the netizen is again broken. This country, according to The World Risk Index 2019, is among the lowest risk of disasters, namely 3.07 percent.

Finally, or the third, the most welcoming country to the LGBT is Luxembourg. Luxembourg is one of only three countries with a gay as the head of government in the world. He is Prime Minister Xavier Bettel.

Again, the netizen's statement about the LGBT being a disaster-bearer is once again not proven. Even Luxembourg is above Belgium as the country which most secure from disasters. This country is only recorded to have a disaster vulnerability index of 2.43 percent.

So which premise you will adopt?

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