JAKARTA Indonesia's removal from its status as the host of the U-20 World Cup is clearly disappointing. Not only football fanatics, but almost all Indonesian people. Even those who may not understand anything about football and the U-20 World Cup, also talk about it.

Indonesia's deletion as the host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup, was announced on Wednesday evening March 29 at around 22.00 WIB. The announcement was uploaded on the parent website of the worldwide football organization, FIFA in the three-linea news.

Responding to today's meeting between FIFA President Gianni Infantino and Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) President Erick Thohir, FIFA has decided, based on current circumstances, to remove Indonesia as the host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup, "as written in the first sentence, the first paragraph on the FIFA website in an article entitled FIFA Removes Indonesia as Host of FIFA U-20 World Cup 2023TM.

Concerns about the deletion have emerged four days earlier, when FIFA canceled the U-20 World Cup group draw event scheduled for Bali on March 31. The cancellation of the U-20 World Cup draw event was triggered by rejection of the presence of the Israeli team from the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster on March 14, 2023.

Koster, a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), sent a letter to the Acting Minister of Youth and Sports, Muhadjir Effendy. Here's the sentence written in I Wayan Koster's letter to Muhadjir Effendy:

This together is respectfully conveyed, as stated in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2020 concerning the National Committee for the Implementation of the FIFA U-20 World Cup in 2021, followed by the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2022 concerning the National Committee for the Implementation of the Federation Internationale De Football Association Under 20 World Cup in 2023, which stipulates 6 Provinces as places for the implementation of the FIFA U-20, namely: 1) DKI Jakarta; 2) South Sumatra; 3) West Java; 4) Central Java; 5) East Java, and 6) Bali.

The FIFA U-20 World Cup 2023, is planned to take place from May 20-June 11, 2023, which is attended by 24 Countries. According to the information we received, that the Team from the State of Israel is the participant who will take part in the FIFA U-20 World Cup.

With regard to the participation of the Team from the State of Israel, We convey the point of view that Israel's political policy towards Palestine is not in accordance with the political policies of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, which is still a serious regional political issue, as well as the absence of diplomatic relations between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Israel.

In this regard, we ask that the Minister take a policy to prohibit the Team from the State of Israel from competing in Bali Province. We, the Provincial Government of Bali, have stated that they reject the participation of the Team from the State of Israel to compete in Bali Province. This is done to respect diplomatic relations between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of other Countries in the World, especially those related to Israel".

It was even more surprising to the public that I Wayan Koster's refusal was actually attended by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. The two first-level regional leaders came from PDIP, and the province they led was indeed used as an arena for the U-20 World Cup.

The event in Central Java used the Solo Manahan Stadium, while in Bali it used the Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium in Gianyar. Ganjar issued a rejection in a written statement, which was released on March 23.

"We already know how Bung Karno's commitment to Palestine, both voiced at the Asia Africa Conference, the Non-Aligned Movement, and at the Conference of the New Emerging Forces. So yes, we follow his mandate. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to voice our support for the struggle. Palestine is independent. I hope that joint breakthrough steps are sought, without the presence of Israel," said Ganjar in a written statement, Thursday, March 23.

The announcement of Indonesia as the host of the U-20 World Cup was delivered by Infantino, at the FIFA Council Meeting in Shanghai, China on November 24, 2019. The event was supposed to be held in 2021, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was postponed to 2023.

At that time, Imam Nahrawi first submitted Indonesia's wish to host President Joko Widodo. An official letter from the Ministry of Youth and Sports was submitted to President Jokowi on July 19, 2019.

The Indonesian government's guarantee was submitted to FIFA through PSSI. The warranty includes attachments from the Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Police Headquarters, Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Communication and Information. All letters and attachments were issued between July and August 2019.

In addition to warranty, the Indonesian government also proposed stadium candidates to be used. Of the 10 candidates chosen, six were considered eligible, namely: Gelora Sriwijaya (Palembang), Gelora Bung Karno (Jakarta), Si Jalak Harupat (Bandung), Manahan (Solo), Gelora Bung Tomo (Surabaya), and Captain I Wayan Dipta (Gianyar).

FIFA then gave the requirements for Host City Agreement, the ability to host six selected cities. So six letters of the ability to host to FIFA were sent, each signed by: Herman Deru (Governor of South Sumatra), Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java), Anies Baswedan (Governor of DKI Jakarta), I Wayan Koster (Governor of Bali), Gibran Rakabuming Raka (Mayor of Solo), and Eri Cahyadi (Mayor of Surabaya).

It became a bit confusing, because not all of the certificates of ability to host the host were signed by the person in charge or the owner of the stadium. Gelora Sriwijaya Stadium is an asset of the South Sumatra Provincial Government which is the authority of the Governor of South Sumatra. Gelora Bung Karno belongs to the Government of Indonesia which is under the management of the Ministry of State Secretariat.

Si Jalak Harupat aset Kabupaten Bandung, yang seharusnya persetujuan dikeluarkan Bupati Bandung. I Wayan Dipta milik Pemkab Gianyar, dan seharusnya di bawah tanggung jawab Bupati Gianyar. Manahan milik Pemkot Solo sehingga benar menjadi tanggung jawab Wali Kota. Begitu juga dengan Gelora Bung Tomo yang merupakan milik Pemkot Surabaya.

Surakarta, Surabaya, and Palembang conveyed their ability to host, through a letter issued in March 2021. DKI Jakarta and Bandung issued a letter of commitment in December 2021. Bali was the last area to say they could, because the letter was issued in February 2022.

After stating that they can afford it, FIFA sent a team to inspect the readiness of designated stadiums. Meanwhile, the inspection continues, Kemenpora and PSSI launched the U-20 World Cup mascot, namely a rhino named Bacuya. Menpora Zainudin Amali and the then PSSI General Chair, Mochamad Iriawan or Iwan Bule led the launch ceremony of Bacuya at the HI Roundabout, Jakarta on September 18, 2022.

"The mosque is still the nuance of Indonesia. Badak bercula is a typical Indonesian animal. The logo is also very Indonesian. We pray that the 2023 U-20 World Cup in Indonesia can be carried out successfully, smoothly, safely, and under control," said Iwan Bule.

Unfortunately, Iriawan's hope is just hope. The whole world now knows that the U-20 World Cup will not be held in Indonesia, for reasons not everyone knows.

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