JAKARTA The fuel pipe explosion at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot on March 3 revealed an old story about Tanah Merah. The area that should have become a depot buffer zone as a vital national object has even become a dense residential area.

The existence of people's houses today has even attached to the depot barrier wall. Netray monitors online media reports and Twitter regarding the topic. Who is the person who became a public conversation?

From the results of monitoring on March 2-8, 2023, President Jokowi's name became the center of media coverage. Then followed by Erick Thohir who was none other than the Minister of SOEs, and Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

"Meanwhile, on the Twitter channel, the first figures to pay attention were Erick Thohir, then Anies Baswedan who was the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), and President Jokowi," wrote Netray.

The President is said to be giving access to residents living in the Tanah Merah area when he served as Governor of DKI Jakarta.

According to information from residents of Tanah Merah who have occupied the area since the 1980s, Jokowi is one of the legal figures.

For years, the citizens of Tanah Merah had difficulty getting a permit so they were considered illegal residents. However, after Jokowi served as governor, residents received valid citizenship status by giving ID cards.

Not only Jokowi, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan was also dragged along. Anies is known to have granted a temporary Building Permit (IMB) for residents.

This policy creates negative sentiment for Twitter activists. They compared Ahok's policy of rejecting settlements around the depot. Ahok even had time to warn that he would relocate residents when he served as Governor of DKI in 2014-2016.

The news about Anies Baswedan is shrouded in negative sentiment. The news content carrying Anies' name is dominated by criticism of the permit for the development of the Tanah Merah area. He is said to be the figure that caused the Tanah Merah area to become a densely populated settlement. Twitter activists consider this to be the result of Anies' political promise when running for governor of DKI, "Netray monitoring.

The attack aimed at Anies received defense from Nasdem. The party that oversees Anies in the 2024 presidential election provides a rebuttal regarding the negative issues circulating.

The provision of a temporary IMB, said Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council of the DKI Jakarta NasDem Party, Nurcahyo, was a follow-up policy from Jokowi when he led Jakarta. However, as reported by Tempo, what should have been investigated was the cause of the fire, not looking for scapegoats for what had happened.

The fire incident at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot should not be used as a politicization event. This should be an evaluation material for DKI Jakarta leaders according to public policy observer Trubus Rahadiansyah.

Overall, Netray found 7,428 articles from 216 media that used the keyword "passengage" during the monitoring period. The peak of the news occurred on March 4, 2023 with a total of 2,973 reports. However, the frequency decreased the following day until the end of monitoring.

Meanwhile, on the Twitter channel, the conversation of Twitter activists who took cataplumps reached more than 75 thousand tweets with an impression of 25.7 million reactions.

This keyword has been tweeted by more than 24 thousand accounts that have the potential to reach up to 298.5 million accounts. Similar to thenews channel, the peak time conversation on Twitter also occurred on March 4 with a total of 21,312 tweets.

The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency is currently identifying the land of Tanah Merah. As well as in the process of revising the Provincial Spatial Planning (RTRW), especially those related to national vital objects.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of SOEs continues to coordinate the process of moving the Pertamina Plumpang Depot to PT Pelindo's land located in the New Priok Container Terminal (NPCT) area, Kalibaru, Cilincing, North Jakarta.

The land is the result of a reclamation project covering an area of 83 hectares. Located right on the waterfront, making it easier to unload oil and gas from the ship to the terminal and vice versa. The location is considered appropriate because it is far from residential areas.

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