JAKARTA Behaviorflexing or showing off things that are owned has become the lifestyle of today's society. Not only artists and influencers, but also targeting officials and their families. Look at the behavior of the former Head of Yogyakarta Customs, Eko Darmanto, who likes to relax luxury vehicles.

In his personal Instagram account @eko_darmanto_bc, which is now deactivated, there was a screenshot circulating showing the uploads of luxury vehicles.

Also look at the behavior of the son of the Director General of Taxes who had gone viral some time ago as well as the luxurying of Rubicon's car and a big motorbike. Also, the behavior of a number of officials' wives who like to upload branded goods.

Psychologist from the University of Indonesia Dr. Rose Mini Agoes Salim assessed that, at times, flexing is only for self-recognization or legitimacy. This usually happens when a person does not have the ability to understand himself.

He does not understand what is dominant in him, what is his real advantage. So, sometimes they intentionally attach various things from the outside in order to show their abilities," Rose told VOI on March 2, 2023.

For example, teenagers. They are of course looking for concepts in order to find identity. If in terms of performance there is nothing that stands out, there is no achievement, no organization, then he will seek identity from other things.

Sometimes his identity is taken from trivial things, for example what he uses, or the assets his parents have. Without it, he feels meaningless, can't be admitted. So, indeed people must have achievements, they must have something that is superior, not just attaching themselves to wealth," he said.

However, there are times when flexing becomes mandatory. Especially for artists, content creators, marketing, and influencers.

For a multilevel marketing, for example, he does have to be flexible for selling. Then influencers, diafleasing for endorsements. Artists such as Raffi Ahmad or Atta Halilintar, they also need flexibility to increase their selling value as airlines or only for YouTube content," said Top Coach Indonesia CEO Tom McIfle to VOI on March 2, 2023.

Flexing, according to Tom, is basically one of the basic human needs, which is to look significant. In a different sense or uniqueness.

"Including many titles in the writing of names can also be called flexing. The more titles, the cooler people will feel and more confident. Likewise, showing off children's achievements, beautiful wives, this can also be called a flexing form," said Tom.

However, Tom admits that there has been a shift. No longer about the title, many people currently prefer the flexibility of wealth or the goods they have.

If it is true that it has not become a problem, many also owe, loan goods, or maybe flexingharta from non-halal results, this is a problem.

The impact is very dangerous. Look at the Sappeurs, members of the La Sape community in Congo. They are willing to save for years just to buy a well-known designer design suit. In fact, some deliberately borrow money or deliberately save their diet just to be able to appear trendy.

"The goal is just flexibility. Every weekend, they tour the city of Brazzaville wearing luxury costumes. If their lives are sufficient, it's natural, ironically they live in poverty," said Tom.

In Indonesia, this impact was clearly seen in 2006. Many people, especially Generation Z children (born 1995-2010) are no longer interested in the stories of life difficulties. They see more inspiration from people who are already established at a young age.

'YouTuber, a small child already has billions of income, Atta Halilintar, Gen Halilintar's family with social media creates something that seems instant. Thenflksing by the Kardashian Family, almost everyone wants to be like them," said Tom.

As a result, Generation Z tends to no longer care about the process, they prioritize results. If it is achieved in the right way, of course it is good. Otherwise, there is a tendency for someone to maintain their self-esteem in various ways, not impossible in negative ways such as stealing or corruption.

"But lately, it's been a bit better. There's been a lot of media, influencers, artists who educate. Hopefully this can be an enlightenment, what exactly is the meaning of flexingarta wealth. Is it just to be respected, lifestyle, prestige, or recognition," said Tom.

After all, people who already have high self-esteem such as billionaires or conglomerates do not like flexibility in wealth. They are also not very impressed with luxury items, but are more amazed when they see people who excel.

"So, it can mean "flexingharta's wealth on social media is only for self-esteem or actual recognition is just an escape because they don't have any other potential that can be highlighted," added Tom MC Ifle.

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