JAKARTA Just because of a report from his girlfriend, Mario Dandy Satrio (20), he was desperate to persecute Cristalino David Ozora (17) until he fell into a coma. This incident occurred at the Grand Permata Cluster Boulevard Complex, South Jakarta on February 20, 2023.

David's condition at the hospital is still unconscious until now. Mario, who is the son of an official of the Director General of Taxes, did not expect that the teenager he abused turned out to be the son of a high-ranking Ansor Youth Movement, an organization led by the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

Maybe at first the perpetrator felt that he had a back from his parents' status, so he felt superior and people would be afraid of him. However, it turns out that teenagers who become victims also have backings.

Chairman of the PBNU Lakpesdam Ulil Absar Abdalla can't stop thinking about the behavior of today's young people who easily do sadistic things just because of trivial motives.

"A person commits violence that can take the lives of another person just because of the report of a girl he is dating, in my opinion, this is a form of crime triggered by a trivial, unreasonable thing," tweeted PBNU Lakpesdam Chair Ulil Absar Abdalla on February 24, 2023.

"Why does this sadistic thing seem like something normal? Why do these young people take actions that have the potential to take lives so lightly, as if they are something like a meatball eating activity? What went wrong with our society? " he continued.

From a psychological perspective, said Psychologist from the University of Indonesia, Dr. Rose Mini Agoes Salim, Mario's age is still a final teenager who is entering the adult phase. A immature mindset makes them usually prefer to act impulsively without thinking about long-term impacts.

Moreover, if there is a trigger, such as from a partner or girlfriend. Obviously in this case, Mario's act of abuse stems from the report of his lover, Agnes, who feels he has been hurt by David as his ex. Agnes then set up a scenario so that she could meet David until the incident occurred

"The perpetrator certainly wants to look hero. Want to show that he is capable of being a protector. Let him look better than the victim in the eyes of his woman," Rose told VOI on February 24, 2023.

Meanwhile, from Agnes' side, according to Ulil, someone who analyzes Agnes' motive for being involved in violence is for the sake of validation, namely someone's desire to be recognized for existence. By encouraging Mario to commit violence to maintain his love, Agnes feels that she is an important person.

If the validation motive is correct, it means that there have been symptoms of desensitization, conditions when a person loses a common feeling. So, people can easily commit violence without any regrets even if the motive is only trivial.

When the persecution occurred, Agnes was found to be at the location without any attempt to prevent Mario's actions.

What is happening in our society so that there are people who lose their minds and feel natural to commit sadistic? I don't know the answer. But this deserves to be echoed," Ulil said closing his tweet.

Rose also considered the incident not juvenile delinquency. Performing abuse even though it is done by teenagers is beyond reasonable.

Premaces must also know which limits are good and bad. People are beaten, they have fainted and are still being hit, this is not natural," said Rose.

Orphaned Pattern

The cause of violence is common because of parenting. One's development is influenced by nature and culture factors. Nature, according to Rose, is a gift from God and is difficult to change. Meanwhile, nurture is a factor created based on environmental experience that affects individual behavior.

The concept of nurture is closely related to interaction and social environment. Maybe a statement familiar to describe this concept is who someone hangs out with, that's where someone is also formed.

So if the child has the potential to feel like he always wants to be superior, he must always be number one. Then if not number 1, he feels uncomfortable, slumped. This arrogance attitude if the environment supports it, the consequences can be even more excited. Especially, without being accompanied by moral intake," said Rose.

Are the official children always arrogant? Rose said no too. The most important factor is parenting. Even if you have abundant material, as long as your child is educated in the right way, his personality will definitely be well formed.

"If parents educate to always be low profile, always instill moral values, always invite children to respect others, children will not be selfish, will not always feel dominant," explained Rose.

Moral is the ability that God has given to humans to distinguish between good and bad. Morals cannot grow properly if there is no stimulation. This is what makes the ability to distinguish between good and bad a person is not the same.

Rose gave an example of a child who lives in a thief's family. Children will think stealing is a common thing because their moral ability to assume stealing is a bad act that is not honed.

"Likewise, anarchic attitudes. If the child's moral ability is honed to consider anarchic attitude is a bad act, children will most likely not do that. So, it's just a matter of how the environment stimulates it. No matter what parenting styles are applied, morals are the most important. The environment must also support it," he added.

Not a teenager

Reza Indragiri Amriel, a member of the Correctional Assessment Center, Poltekip Kemenkumham, does not want to narrate Mario as a teenager.

"Children who are no longer children. So, treat him as an adult. Unlike the confinement of children, public adult actors can be angry," Reza said in a written message to VOI on February 24, 2023.

According to Reza, one of the things that is known through risk assessment against perpetrators of violence is the level of independence, both financial and social independence. The more independent a person is, the higher the risk of violent behavior.

This time, what the public has to do with the luxurious lifestyle in question. Still young, excessive parenting, can be seen as a condition that creates risk factors in the person concerned," he said.

Moreover, at that age, he already got luxury vehicle facilities. This, according to Reza, is like giving a weapon. Someone carrying a gun will experience increased self-confidence, moreGY, and chauvinistic. However, on the other hand, it can also weaken a person's ability to think logically.

The weapon makes the owner impulsive. It could also be a sensation in question as a user of a luxury car, "he said.

Reza also did not want to see the perpetrators from the family tree, Simply so that I, especially law enforcement officers, are not biased to see this incident. So, the handling of this case should not be accompanied by ewuh-pakewuh or fear.

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