JAKARTA - Several video recordings featuring the call to prayer with jidah have gone viral on social media. The police intervened to investigate the mastermind behind the video.
At least two videos are currently in the spotlight. First, a video that shows a group of people shouting the call to prayer while holding swords.
Then another video shows the action of the call to prayer whose sentence was changed from hayya alal solah 'to' hayya alal jihad '.
So far, the police have arrested the two people involved. They were arrested at different times and locations.
Polda Metro Jaya arrested a man with the initials H Cakung, East Jakarta, on Thursday 3 December. This arrest is based on a report on November 29, 2020.
"The video can provoke provocation, as if Indonesia is fighting a jihad against the enemy. Reporters as Muslims feel aggrieved and then make a report to Polda," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, Thursday, December 3.
However, based on the results of the investigation, H was not directly involved in the call to prayer with the jidah name. To investigators, he admitted that he only participated in distributing the video through his personal Instagram account @hashophasan.
In addition, the suspect also claimed to have received the video from the Whatsapp Group (WAG) Muslim Cyber One Forum (FMCO) News. So that the police still continue to study it.
"His mode was entered in WAG FMCO News, then he discovered that the video was uploaded and then distributed it massively. The results of profiling his Instagram account belonged to H," said Yusri.
One day later, Bareskrim Polri also arrested another perpetrator with the initials SM (22). The young man was arrested in the Cibadak area, West Java.
This arrest is based on police report number LP / B / 0685 / XII / 2020 / Bareskrim, dated December 2. However, this time the man who was arrested had a direct role in the action.
He is the one who calls for the call to prayer bearing the jihad. So, the police named him a suspect.
"Yes, the person concerned (SM) is the call to prayer," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono.
Thus, the investigator suspects the suspect under Article 45A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions and / or Article 156a of the Criminal Code.
"The person concerned has committed an alleged criminal act intentionally and without the right to disseminate information aimed at creating hatred or enmity for certain individuals or groups of society," said Argo.
Referring to the arrest of the two people behind the case, the police said that the action to call to prayer bearing the name jihad had actually occurred in several areas.
Police Public Relations Division Karo Penmas, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono said, there are at least two areas that are used as places to say jidah call to prayer.
"What is clear is that there were also suspects in Central Java. Yesterday, the suspect was involved in a fraud case and was detained first in a fraud case," Awi told reporters, Friday, December 4.
Another area is West Java. SM (22) who is the person who voiced the call to prayer belafaz jihad. Meanwhile, the Jakarta area is still being explored. Because the perpetrators who were arrested were only video spreaders.
"(Other locations) Sukabumi. While the info is like that," he said.
"Yes, we are still looking for (the call to prayer), that's why this is still being developed," continued Awi.

The circulation of the video call to prayer bearing the jihadist form has led to various reactions from the public and state officials. Deputy Minister of Religion, Zainut Tauhid Saadi was one of those who responded to this party.
Zainut said that he did not fully understand the context in the video. But if in outline the video is interpreted as a war cry, then, it is considered irrelevant to the current situation.
The reason is that Indonesia's condition is peaceful. Because of this, the punishment for jihad is considered unsuitable to be called for.
For this reason, Zainut invited all leaders of Islamic community organizations as well as scholars to be able to provide enlightenment to the community. The aim is not to get caught up in textual interpretation without understanding the context of the verses of the Koran or hadith.
This is because, he said, the understanding of religion which is only based on textuals can give birth to a narrow and extreme understanding of religion.
"This is where the importance of the leadership of Islamic mass organizations, ulama and kyai to provide enlightenment so that people have a comprehensive religious understanding," said Zainut.
Investigate Thoroughly"If the call to prayer is intended to convey a message of war, then the call for jihad in the definition of war is very irrelevant to conveying in a peaceful situation like in Indonesia today,"
The appearance of the call to prayer with jihat words was also considered to have caused unrest in the community. Thus, the Police as law enforcers will thoroughly investigate the case.
In fact, the Head of the Metro Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, confirmed that he would hunt down the perpetrators behind the viral video call to prayer bearing the jihad. Although previously the two perpetrators had already been arrested.
"I will also pursue hiding in the rat hole," said Inspector General Fadil.
But Inspector General Fadil did not explain the progress of the process of investigating the case. He only explained that his party would continue to hunt him down and settle the case.
"We will continue to pursue developments related to the arrest of the perpetrator who changed the call to prayer from 'Hayya Alal Solah' to 'Hayya Alal Jihad'," he said.
Meanwhile, in investigating this case the West Java Regional Police have formed a special team to hunt down the mastermind who invites the call to prayer for jihad. This is done to thoroughly investigate this case.
Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations Kombes Erdi A. Chaniago said the formation of a special team was also to investigate whether certain parties were connected or not. This is because the action occurred simultaneously in various regions, including West Java.
"This is being explored again because what we are worried about in one day, yes, is in West Java and other areas," he said.
With the formation of this special team it is hoped that in the near future it will soon reveal the mastermind behind the call to call to prayer for jihad.
"So please be patient, hopefully in the near future the West Java Police will uncover this case," he said.
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