JAKARTA - E-sports athlete, Winda Lunardi alias Winda Earl and his mother Floletta never thought that the Rp22.8 billion they had deposited in the PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk account since 2015 as future savings, just disappeared.
Initially, Winda opened an account at Maybank Indonesia in 2014. She came to the Maybank Indonesia branch office in Cipulir, South Jakarta. At that time, Winda was offered the perpetrator with the initials A who was also the head of the branch to open a deposit in the form of a time deposit. Because the interest offered is relatively high compared to bank savings products in general, Winda was tempted.
At the beginning of opening the savings account, Winda deposited Rp. 5 billion in two transfers, bringing the total to Rp. 10 billion. This money came from the transfer of his father, Herman Gunardi. Because the type of savings that Winda opens is a checking account or savings account for the future, he admits that he has never tampered with it.
Winda also received a checking account sent by Maybank related to money and interest in Winda's account which was reported regularly every month. Then, in 2016, Winda's mother, Floletta Lizzy Wiguna, also opened a savings book and transferred around Rp. 5 billion by her husband to be put into the savings she had just opened.
Winda and Floletta always believed that the money they kept was safe. This is evidenced by the existence of a checking account sent from 2015 to December 2019. However, after entering January 2020, suspicions arose over his savings because there was no checking account sent by Maybank.
In February, when Floletta wanted to check and withdraw money from her account, it turned out that there was not enough balance. Even though he was sure that the money still had Rp. 5 billion in that account. After checking again, his account balance was only around Rp. 17 million.
Floletta immediately contacted Winda to tell her what had happened, as well as to check the contents of the savings in Winda's account which had been stored around Rp. 15 billion. When checking, the balance in Winda's account actually only left IDR 600,000.
The two of them immediately filed a complaint through the Maybank Branch Office in Mangga Dua. However, feeling dissatisfied that reporting through the branch office would create a lengthy bureaucracy, Winda and Floletta decided to report her loss case to the Maybank Head Office, at Plaza Senayan.
On March 10, Winda and Floletta received a complaint number. However, on the 12th, two days later, a letter arrived stating that this matter had been resolved. To make sure, Winda then called Maybank's call center care, and it was true that Maybank said that this problem had been handled by the internal fraud department.
After obtaining the two information, it does not mean that the answer to the fate of Wanda and her mother's money does not mean. This case has no clarity. Therefore, on May 8, 2020, Winda's father made a report at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit.
The case of the loss of money belonging to Winda Earl was only revealed to the public on November 5, when Winda visited the National Police Criminal Investigation Building to find out the progress of the investigation into the case of suspected banking crimes that befell her and her mother, Floletta.
Winda wants certainty of savings money back
Winda Earl's attorney, Joey Pattinasarany, said that his client wanted the Rp22.8 billion in savings that had disappeared from his Maybank account to be fully returned. He also asked the bank to take responsibility for the loss of money in his account.
Joey assessed that the refund does not need to wait for the court decision to be completed. This is because there are no rules governing this mechanism.
Furthermore, Joey said, if he waited for a final legally binding decision, there would be no certainty of time for his client. This is because bank individuals who are found guilty still have the right to appeal and appeal.
Joey demanded that Maybank take responsibility for compensating his client for losses. Because, this case could not be separated from the actions of the employees.
"We save it at the bank, the one who receives the money is the bank. Regardless of the person using it, it is a bank person, so the one who should be responsible is the bank. How to maintain the security of the money there. The legal relationship is that Winda saves money at the bank," he said told VOI, Monday, November 9.
Not only that, Joey also demanded an explanation from Maybank regarding the loss of Winda's money in his personal account.
"The response expected by the family is an explanation of how the problem could be like this. Then if indeed it is Maybank's fault, naturally my client would expect an apology from Maybank," he said.
According to Joey, so far the bank has not shown good faith regarding the case of the disappearance of his client's savings. This attitude of the bank made Winda confused and impressed that the bank was out of charge.
"So far there has also been no communication of all kinds. We as customers are confused. Those who are pro-active should explain all kinds of things, but the reality is that until now there is no clarity regarding who will return the return," he said.
Maybank Case Value Winda Earl Janggal[/ read_more]
Hotman Paris Hutapea's attorney for PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk stated that the return still had to wait for the trial process. This decision was taken because he wanted this case to be clear and at the same time to prove who was guilty in the case of the loss of money belonging to Winda Earl and his mother.
In practice, Hotman said, there were several irregularities that the legal team found. Among these were the bank practices in the bank carried out by suspect A, which was suspected of involving a customer.
Then, the flow of funds released from Winda's account by suspect A amounted to IDR 6 billion to buy an insurance policy. Then, back in the amount of Rp. 4.8 billion, but through Winda's father's account in the name of Herman Gunardi.
"Maybank is a big bank, that kind of money is not difficult to pay. But it cannot be held accountable to the center if the irregularities are not resolved. It can be returned if it is clear who is involved," he said, in a virtual press conference, Monday, November 9.

Hotman said, this case was not a burglary case in general which only involved a single perpetrator, so that the bank could replace customer funds. Given that this is a public fund, he said, there needs to be further explanation regarding the parties that receive the flow of funds.
Furthermore, Hotman said, the National Police Headquarters had said that all those who received the money would be investigated, if they did not want to replace them, they would be made suspects.
"Outside the branch manager, it looks like someone else. That's why we ask the Police Headquarters for all the people who receive this money to be investigated and made suspects. There are 8 that should be examined, these are not yet," he said.
Hotman emphasized that his party did not accuse anyone. However, his party asked the 6 people who received the flow of funds outside of Winda and Herman to be accountable. One of them, the brother of suspect A.
"This is clear first. If there is no connection, what to do. We ask the investigators, we do not accuse any of the related people having committed a crime," he said.
In addition, Hotman also found other irregularities in the Winda Earl case. He said that the savings book and the automated teller cash card (ATM) were not in the hands of Winda, but by the Head of Cipulir branch initial A, who has currently been named a suspect.
"So from the information above, the savings book and ATM based on the suspect's confession, the one holding is the suspect. Why was this opened? Because this is different from other bank burglary cases. The question is, as the owner of money, why do you leave the savings book and ATM in the hands of other people? "he said.
It did not stop there, Hotman said, another oddity that was found related to the savings interest paid by Maybank was not from the company, but from the personal account of the suspect, the head of the Maybank Cipulir branch.
In fact, the interest on this savings was actually paid by another private bank, namely BCA, to Herman Gunardi. Hotman said that savings owners have never complained about this.
The next oddity, said Hotman, is that customers never check the flow of funds into their savings. There was a money transfer of IDR 576 million in 2016, which was called an interest payment on this savings, but the owner of the savings never made any clarifications.
In addition, the interest payment was also not in accordance with the initial agreement of around 7 percent per year of total savings, which should have been Rp1.2 billion. At the time of interest payment, the owner of the fund never complained.
Hotman also felt strange regarding the loss of funds submitted by Winda. He questioned why Winda Earl had just reported a case of losing money worth Rp22.8 billion in 2020. In fact, this case was uncovered in 2016 or two years after Winda registered as a Maybank customer in 2014.

Not only that, Hotman also said that all of Winda's personal data when opening an account was filled in by the Head of the Maybank Cipulir Branch initial A, who has now been named a suspect. In this case, Winda was known to have signed blank forms.
Hotman said, based on the statement of the Head of National Anti-Traud Maybank, Andiko, this was proven by the presence of a customer's signature on the account verification form.
In fact, according to Hotman, based on the confession of suspect A, he had known Winda Earl's father since before he became the head of the Cipulir branch of Maybank Indonesia.
Winda Earl's case is a bad precedent for bankingMember of Commission XI DPR RI from the PKS Faction who is also the chairman of the DPP PKS for Economy and Finance, Anis Byarwati said, the disappearance of tens of billions of Maybank customers was a bad precedent and had an impact on public trust in banking.
"I think this case has set a bad precedent related to public trust in banking. People will feel insecure about keeping money in a bank," said Anis.
Anis also said that this case shows the weakness of the company's (bank) internal supervision system. The indicator of the weakness of the supervisory system is the occurrence of management fraud by the employees themselves. In addition, this case also shows that the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has not fully supervised the banking sector.
This doctor of Islamic economics from Airlangga University also emphasized that customers have the right to get proper and fair dispute resolution, as guaranteed by the Consumer Protection Law, and other sectoral laws.
Anis hopes that this case does not stop at the determination of the bank person as a suspect, but this case must be resolved thoroughly with the accountability of all parties related to this case.
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OJK Assesses There is 'Something' in the Winda CaseChairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Wimboh Santoso said that his party did not want to precede law enforcement in giving statements related to the case experienced by Winda Earl.
Because of this, Wimboh also admitted to being very careful in making statements in public regarding the burglary case of Winda Earl's account, who is an e-Sports athlete.
"We've seen, we've entered, please wait. It's not good if this goes before law enforcement. Because Maybank itself has clarified and its customers have also reported something," said Wimboh.
Even so, Wimboh indicated that something was going on behind the alleged theft of a Maybank bank account worth Rp22.8 billion.
"There is something, but we believe it will be resolved objectively and transparently," he explained.
The Case of Winda Earl Murni Bank CrimeChairman & President of the Indonesian Financial Planners Association (IARFC) Aidil Akbar Madjid highlighted several irregularities behind the burglary case of Winda's account. There is a strong suspicion that the theft of this account was purely the act of the Head of the Maybank Cipulir Branch with the initials AT.
This allegation is not without reason. This is because banks have standard operating procedures (SOPs) when carrying out transactions, so according to Aidil there could be no mistakes.
"The bank already has SOPs for transactions. So at the time of the transaction, there must have been two people involved. So, for example, if there was a breach, that person took the action, namely the bank," said Aidil.
Another irregularity was related to the savings book and ATM card kept by the suspect. According to Aidil, this is unusual. "Surely you don't want it (savings books and ATMs) to be held by other people. Never mind Rp. 22.8 billion, Rp1 billion does not necessarily mean that anyone will," he said.
Therefore, Aidil advised Maybank to follow the existing legal process. Even though in his judgment, the error in this case is purely an individual error. "The point is to follow legal procedures. If the mistake is most likely Maybank elements," he said.
Maybank Seeks the Mistakes of CarelessnessAfter revealing the irregularities found in the Winda Earl case, Bank Maybank Hotman Paris's attorney asked to seek justice in the case of burglary accounts.
Hotman invited Winda Earl and his attorneys to conduct an open debate on National TV. Hotman Paris's tweet was responded to in the comments column by Winda Earl's colleague on the EVOS e-Sports team, Yurino 'Donkey' Putra.
Yurino assessed that the statements issued by Maybank's attorneys seemed to be looking for mistakes from mistakes. In fact, it should focus on the main issue, namely the bank's authorization to safeguard customer funds.

"How come it looks like a parent is mistaking a child, looking for previous mistakes, while the core of the main mistake was deliberately diverted so that the child would not want to remain wrong," wrote Yurino Donkey.
"The point is whether it wants interest or not, there is indeed a fraud intention from an individual. The name fraud is definitely a lot of irregularities, but banks as institutions can protect customer funds with authorization," he continued.
"Please don't be distracted, the important thing is that the authorization problem is clear first, then after that, for example, Winda wants to wash money or something, that's a different case," wrote Yurino Donkey again.
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