JAKARTA - The provisional vote acquisition for the presidential election (Pilpres) of the United States (US) shows the incumbent Donald Trump is superior to his opponent Joe Biden in swing states. If the difference in numbers remains superior until all votes are recorded, that means Trump has broken the results of the polls held by many previous survey institutions.

According to The Guardian, eight swing states will determine the victory of the US presidential candidate. The eight regions include Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Ohio and Iowa.

Previously, the results of a poll that was summarized by The Guardian ahead of the vote showed that Biden excelled in six swing states. The six regions are Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Trump won only two regions, namely Iowa and Ohio.

The Guardian's note differs slightly from the results of the RealClearPolitics (RCP) poll. In addition to Iowa and Ohio, RCP data shows Trump has the upper hand in the North Carolina area.

Break the survey results

However, recently, according to the results of quick counts (exit polls) which were also recorded by the RCP, the results of the vote count showed otherwise. Trump is superior in almost all swing states.

From the provisional vote data, it appears that Trump only lost in the Arizona area. When the vote tally reached 77 percent, Biden's supporters were ahead by 51.8 percent while Trump got 46.9 percent.

At the time of this writing, there were four swing states where the votes had reached 100 percent, namely Ohio, Iowa, Florida, and North Carolina. And in those four regions Trump excels.

In Pennsylvania, Trump, who according to the previous opinion polls, was in fact winning, even though the votes were only 74 percent. Trump recorded 56.1 percent of the votes in the area while Biden got 42.7.

In Michigan, when the votes were 69 percent, Trump had 53.4 percent of the vote while Biden had 45 percent. Then in Wisconsin Trump also won 51.3 percent of the vote from Biden who got 47.2 percent of the vote.

Indeed, the acquisition of votes in the swing states is not the final result. Candidates who are entitled to occupy the seat of US President are those who receive 270 electoral votes.

Until this news was published, Elector Biden's vote was still leading as many as 220 votes. Meanwhile, Trump got 213 votes. But the results could still change enormously when all the states have finished tallying their votes.

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