JAKARTA - The name of Commission IV of the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) faction Riezky Aprilia surfaced with the arrest of General Election Commission Commissioner (KPU) Wahyu Setiawan and PDIP cadre Harun Masiku by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Wahyu Setiawan was suspected by the KPK of accepting bribes by promising Harun Masiku to be appointed as a member of the Indonesian Parliament for the 2019-2024 period. Wahyu is suspected of asking for Rp900 million to help Harun's wish.

Harun intends to replace Nazarudin Kiemas who died. However, the KPU plenary then appointed Riezky Aprilia as a replacement for Nazarudin. Riezky Aprilia was elected because he was the candidate with the second most votes behind Nazarudin.

The VOI team since yesterday afternoon tried to ask Riezky Aprilia for an explanation regarding the case that dragged her name. However, Riezky was reluctant to comment, because at that time he had just returned from the electoral district (Dapil) of South Sumatra I in order to carry out his animal duties.

This morning, we tried to contact Riezky again to confirm the news with the title 'PDIP Willing to Be Changed as an Elected Candidate Riezky Aprilia Answer Like this' published by linggaupos.co.id on September 2, 2019.

"In principle, whatever happens in politics is a dynamic. What is certain is that the KPU has determined Calih and PDIP to be fair in responding to the existing dynamics," said Riezky, Sunday, September 1, 2019, as reported by linggaupos.co.id.

When confirmed, Riezky actually questioned how the news existed. Because, he admitted that he did not feel interviewed by any media. "How come there is such an answer? I have never communicated with any media," said Riezky, to VOI, in Jakarta, Friday, January 10.

Riezky admitted that he did not know about the interim replacement (PAW) that the party would carry out against him. Because, since the end of the year he was in the electoral district. "First, I don't know about the PAW problem because I was from last December in recess and just came back yesterday," he said.

He also said that he is now focused on carrying out his duties as a member of Commission IV from the PDIP faction in the DPR. Regarding the PAW issue, Riezky admits that he is confident that the party he is currently under will be professional in this matter.

"Second, I am now (elected) in commission IV DPR RI ... Third, as a party cadre I believe that the PDI Perjuangan is a professional party in today's democratic mechanism. That's my answer," he explained.

Riezky emphasized that as a party cadre he would follow the party's directions and orders. Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto confirmed that his party made an interim replacement (PAW) for the elected legislative member who died, Nazarudin Kemas.

PDIP, said Hasto, has the authority to choose a replacement for Nazarudin Kemas because it follows the decision of the Supreme Court (MA). In addition, Hasto also confirmed that the PDIP would prefer a cadre named Harun Masiku over Riezky Aprilia to replace Nazarudin Kemas.

"Please check with the KPU, the order of votes from the highest to the lowest. That's all ... We cadres obey the rules and laws," said Riezky in response to Hasto's statement.

Sit the case of PAW settings

Starting with the death of Nazarudin Kiemas, the younger brother of the late husband of PDIP chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri, Taufiq Kiemas. Nazarudin died on March 26, 2019, before the election for the 2019 elections on April 17.

Even so, the late Nazarudin still got votes. This is because his photo is still on the ballot paper in the 2019 Election. He even got the most votes in the South Sumatra I electoral district with a total of 31,358 votes.

In early July 2019, one of the PDIP DPP administrators ordered an advocate named Doni to file a judicial review suit for Article 54 of KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2019 concerning Vote Votes This material lawsuit filing is related to the death of Nazarudin.

This lawsuit was later granted by the Supreme Court (MA) on July 19, 2019. The Supreme Court determined that the party determines the votes and replaces them between time.

On August 31, 2019, the KPU held a plenary meeting and appointed another legislative candidate named Riezky Aprilia as a replacement for Nazarudin Kiemas. The PDIP DPP asked the KPU to cancel Riezky Aprilia's appointment as an elected member of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period. The party created by Megawati Soekarnoputri wants Harun Masiku to replace Nazarudin in the DPR and not Riezky Aprilia.

PDIP request, rejected. The KPU decided that Riezky to replace Nazarudin walked to Senayan. KPU argued that Riezky had the most votes after the late Nazarudin. Riezky's total vote tally was 13,062 votes. Riezky is a young entrepreneur and the daughter of Ridwan Efendi, the former Mayor of Lubuklinggau. Currently, Riezky sits on Commission IV of the DPR.

Before becoming a PDIP cadre, Harun Masiku was a former cadre of the Democratic Party. In the 2019 Election, Harun was number 6 in the list of PDIP candidates in South Sumatra I electoral districts. Harun's vote was 5,878 votes. The votes between Riezky and Aaron were very far apart. So, the KPU defended Riezky to walk to Senayan and rejected Harun.

Two weeks later, a private party named Saeful, who has an interest in Harun, lobbied Wahyu Setiawan to be able to pass Harun to replace Riezky as a legislative candidate approved by the KPU.

Wahyu also agreed to help her escape by replying, "Ready, play!". This is where Wahyu committed the criminal act of corruption by asking for operational funds of Rp. 900 million. Money was given in stages.

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