JAKARTA - "Extended but not hard is useless" written in an illustration. The picture shows the figure of an old woman, "Mak Erot". The viral meme became sarcasm that flicked the policies of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) ahead of the re-implementation of strict large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) on Monday, September 14.

I don't know who the meme maker, and where the quote comes from. However, this narrative went out of the mouth of the famous sexologist, Doctor Boyke Dian Nugraha. In the NET TV Malam Malam program, which airs Thursday, September 10, Boyke was asked to respond to the DKI Jakarta PSBB plan. Boyke said: The PSBB must be extended, but it must also be hardened. Long but not hard is useless. 

Boyke may not speak in the capacity of an expert or authority. However, his concern is clear. The epidemiologist, Syahrizal Syarif, also highlighted the issue. According to him, the social sanctions from the DKI Government are far from effective. They need more action to punish health protocol violators.

"It's not true. It doesn't have any effect. DKI has to be firm. For example, a fine of IDR 250 thousand. If necessary, increase it to IDR 500 thousand, for example. I don't agree with PSBB social sanctions like that. We are in an emergency. The threat is clear," he said, writing Kompas.com, Thursday, September 10.

Pengawasan protokol kesehatan oleh polisi (Irfan Meidianto/VOI)

Syarif even said that the form of social sanctions that had been implemented was proof that the DKI Provincial Government was still playing around in enforcing the PSBB regulations. The irony, he said. It is because the growth of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta has reached an alarming level.

"In a situation like this, we are still playing with the sanctions. On the other hand, offenders are still asked to sing the national anthem, are told to run, are ordered to paint the sidewalks. That is nonsense," said Syarif.

The Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, also highlighted the steps of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in the future. He agreed with the strict re-implementation of the PSBB. However, Edi encouraged all effectiveness, including the issue of sanctions. According to Edi, the DKI Provincial Government can no longer use the old, 'soft' method. Now, there is no more socialization. Every violation must be rewarded according to the provisions.

"I emphasize to the governor that all supervision is tightened. Now, it is no longer socialization but firm action. Likewise to residents, shops, offices, businessmen, who violate it, sanctions as strictly as possible," said Prasetio to reporters, Thursday, September 10.

Progressive Sanctions

The DKI Provincial Government is aware of the urgency to enforce sanctions for violating the COVID-19 protocol. Since September 7, the DKI Provincial Government has started to impose progressive fines for PSBB violators. The DKI Provincial Government even uses a progressive fine, recording application called Jakarta Supervise Regional Regulations (JakAPD).

"It has started (progressive fines) because the application is already underway. JakAPD, Jakarta Oversee Regional Regulations," Head of Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin told reporters, Thursday, September 10.

This progressive sanction will be implemented based on Pergub 79/2020. It means that PSBB violators who have been sanctioned according to the previous legal basis, namely Pergub 51/2020 will start from scratch. "Because of the new regulation (Pergub) is 79 with JakAPD. The previous one (Pergub 51/2020) does not apply," said Arifin.

Infografis pelanggaran (Sumber: Pemprov DKI Jakarta)

Pergub 79/2020 itself regulates progressive fines for individuals and companies. Violators will be fined multiples of IDR 250 thousand if they commit repeated violations. This progressive fine can be imposed on a citizen of up to IDR 1 million if he continues to commit violations.

Meanwhile, for companies, the fine is multiplied by IDR 25 million if they violate health protocols. The fines for the company can reach IDR 150 million if you repeat the violation up to three times.

The number of violations in Jakarta is high. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Sunday afternoon, September 13, announced that, so far, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has taken action against 158 ​​thousand people or bodies who violate health protocols. From the prosecution, "The fines that have been collected have reached IDR 4,000,333,000. And the fines are now tiered. The first violation, the second offense, the penalty is getting higher," said Anies.

The Focus of the DKI Provincial Government

In principle, the implementation of the upcoming PSBB will not differ much from the first PSBB in March. The fundamental difference, said Anies, is the control of transmission in the office sector.

"Currently, we are witnessing that most cases of incidents that are currently emerging are from offices. That is why in the PSBB starting September 14, our main focus is restrictions on the office area," said Anies.

Infografis (Raga Granada/VOI)

Some office sectors will still be allowed to operate with a maximum capacity limitation of 50% of employees. The office sector is the representative of foreign countries and/or international organizations to carry out diplomatic and consular functions. As well as other functions; SOE, that is participating in COVID-19 handling and/or in meeting the basic needs of the community; local and international community organizations in the social sector and/or disaster management.

Apart from enforcing sanctions, the DKI Provincial Government will also intensify tracing and testing. If a positive case is found at the above activity location, all businesses and activities at that location must be closed for three days of operation.

Another effort is that the DKI Provincial Government will strictly limit the number of public transport passengers. Then, the odd-even will also be temporarily eliminated. However, it does not mean that people can freely travel by private vehicle.

"Currently, the condition is more emergency than the beginning of the previous outbreak, so don't leave the house if you don't have to. Stay at home and don't leave the house from Jakarta if there is no urgent need," said Anies.

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